Love his little face.
He’s so proud of himself. And just so y’all could see the speed demon on his way…
Pedaling from Erynn Mangum on Vimeo.
Ha! He was going SO slow but he was so excited. It was too cute. I’m pretty sure we saw eight neighbors along the way and Nathan proudly declared to all of them, “I AM RIDING MY BIKE BY MYSELF! I’M DOING IT!”
He’s very shy. We’re working on getting him out of his shell.
All that riding wore him out. 😉 We have had such an incredibly busy couple of weeks – someone got super, super run down on Tuesday. He slept in late and then I found him like this two hours later. I moved him to his bed and he slept for three and a half hours! Poor guy. He was exhausted! We just lounged around in our jammies and watched movies the rest of the day – it was very needed.
Today is a sad day – we are saying goodbye to our dear friends Matt, Melanie, Julia and Bennett since they are heading out for a new adventure in Oklahoma! We got to hang out with the kids this morning while Matt and Melanie supervised the movers and cleaned their house. We will miss them so much!