Fun Wedding Weekend :)

This last weekend my dear cousin Katie got married in Oklahoma!

My parents were so kind to help all of us out so we could go to the wedding! It was so fun – we had a little mini family reunion there as well. LOVED seeing everyone!

My little stinker head on the plane. He did great the first flight and was starting to get pretty cranky by the end of the second flight. So here’s what he did on the 1.5 hour drive to the rehearsal dinner from the airport:

Sweet, tired baby.

Two of my cousins have kids Nathan’s age and he LOVES them. They goofed around all through the rehearsal dinner and then there wasn’t much else to do besides a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

 Oh. And this. 😉

Meanwhile, I was totally content with this little doll, Hadley. She’s my dear cousin Cammie’s precious baby and I had completely forgotten the joy and shoulder ache it is to have a baby who will gladly sleep in your arms. 😉 LOVED getting to hold her sweetness for a little while!

Nathan was up early Saturday to play and was SO excited for Katie’s wedding. I knew there was no way we were getting him back to sleep, so we had to do the next best thing so Jon and I could get a few more minutes of sleep:

Ha! I always swore I would never be that mom and here I am.

I promised myself I was going to take a million pictures but by the time the trip was over and I was looking back through everything, I barely took any! We were so busy having fun that I didn’t even think about it. We spent Friday night at the rehearsal and then I went down and visited with everyone while Jon stayed up in the hotel room and studied while Nathan slept. Saturday was the wedding and we had a crazy morning getting things ready and trying to entertain the little kids. Bless their hearts – everything we planned or tried to do didn’t work out at all that day. Poor kids! 

And then the best part of the day:

Katie and her new husband, Jon! I love this picture of them!

Me and my boys at the wedding. 🙂

The wedding was GORGEOUS and the reception was even more beautiful. We all danced and ate and Nathan ran himself into an exhausted mess on the dance floor.

He danced one dance with me after I begged him to do it. But was WAY happier dancing with his buddies. 😉

All fourteen of my cousins in the same place at the same time! Love this picture. Love that we are all still close and still enjoy being around each other.

My boy with my great-uncle Larry. LOVE these pictures – Nathan was cracking up. Larry is hilarious! Nathan also developed quite the crush on Carsen, one of my second cousins, who was actually the flower girl in our wedding. He brought her flowers at the reception and then made her hang out with him all morning Sunday at the family brunch.

Buds. 🙂

We had such a wonderful time with family! I so wish we lived closer to everyone so we could see them more often. 

On Sunday night, my family had already driven back to Oklahoma City to stay the night there before our extremely early flight yesterday, so of course we had to stop by our all-time favorite restaurant:

The Cheesecake Factory! I love these people.

Such a wonderful, fun, exhausting weekend! We got home Monday after waking up at 3:30am to catch our flight and Nathan napped for four hours once we crashed in bed. We were a tired bunch!

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