THREE. I’ll be harping on this for the next ten days. Because, seriously, it was JUST last week that I was counting down the days until my due date and then past my due date and then finally freaking out the night before my little bean was born that life would change and would never be the same.
How right I was. And how blessed I am because of that. 🙂
We have had a crazy fun weekend! Jon finished up his intensive Master’s class on Friday (can I get an amen??) and we are so thankful grandparents live in town because we immediately went on a date. 😉 We did a little bit of birthday shopping for the birthday boy (can you guess what he’s getting?? 😉 Someone is going to be THRILLED) and then went out to eat just the two of us. SO fun and needed and wonderful!!
Then, Saturday morning, our dear friends Clint and Leigh Ann were back in town on their way to move to Atlanta from their stint at a Christian camp in Colorado and so we headed over in the morning to go to an open house to see them.
Love these friends dearly!! (And missed Eryn who was gone on vacation!)
Nathan and Hayley were like long lost lovers that whole day. All I heard the whole time they were together was “Nathan!” “Haywee!” “Nathan!” “Haywee!” Ha!
Then we went to go watch my brother Caleb’s band perform. They did awesome and we had so much fun! We got free hot dogs and Nathan got his face painted for the first time. He asked for a blue elephant. No idea how that came about.
Saturday night, we had Clint, Leigh Ann and Hayley over for dinner and it was so wonderful! We will miss our dear friends so much.
Monday, we went to Jamie’s house for Lunch Bunch and she had a sprinkler set up for the kids. Nathan LOVED it. He’s been asking to go back to Jamie’s house since we left. 😉
And then we of course had to play baseball again after Daddy’s game was over Monday night. Love these super sweet umpires we’ve had lately who have been so kind to let Nathan hit the ball and run the bases between games!!
And now it’s time to get to cleaning and laundry and writing and getting a few things done before the holiday weekend. 🙂
Have a safe and happy 4th of July!!