His mask in this picture cracks me up. What a silly.
I’m not totally sure what to do with him. He is SO PASSIONATE about everything and so so so strong willed. When I was pregnant with him, I prayed for him to be a strong leader, to not be easily swayed and to not just go with the flow.
Well. I take all of it back. 😉
I love my boy to death but this year has tested and tried me in ways I can’t even describe. Last night, I came home from our Bible study, sat down at the kitchen table and just cried because I was so overwhelmed with my stubborn, strong willed child.
So, as cute as some of my pictures are, just know that it’s not all rosy over here all the time. 😉
Jon is on his last week of work before the summer break and so they’ve started their themed days. Today was “Sports Day” so he wore his old jersey to work. Nathan woke up, saw Jon in his jersey and declared that he needed to wear his today too.
Cute boys. 🙂
And a rare picture of me and my baby. I get so busy taking the pictures that I sometimes forget to get in them.
Today, we have had a good day. I registered us for BSF this coming fall and I’m SO excited about the kids program for Nathan. I think it’s going to be amazing. Afterward, we met up with our dear neighbors at Chick-fil-A so the boys could play. We were originally going to go to the park but some much needed rain made our park a mud pit. But this was way fun. And it included sweet tea. 😉
And now we’re playing outside and waiting for Daddy to get home. Don’t mind the mess in the back of this picture. We’re gluttons for punishment when it comes to yard work. The minute we complete one project, we come up with another one to do. Thankfully, we’ve been able to do most of them using materials we already had.
Love this little cutie. Even when he makes me crazy. 😉
Mine's 12. And I still sit down and cry often – wait, maybe I shouldn't tell you that. ;)(It is true, but he's "high needs" and keeps us extra challenged daily…)
Now that the strong will has been prayed into being, you can start praying that it's well-directed, that he uses his strong will to preserve himself from the pressures the world will throw his way in a few years.
And thanks Erynn for being straight about it not all being rosy! Moms definitely need to hear that others are in the midst of reality as well.
Ohhhh – I can already tell my 9 month old is going to be the same way. I had no idea it could start this early 😉
You will love BSF. I have been a group leader for 10 years, and it will change your life. The Children's Program is amazing. Be sure to pick up the gold pages (Home Training Lessons) each week. They are a weekly one-paged help for parenting on various topics.
I was just talking to my mom about how different children can be. I have one that hates to be in trouble and one that is VERY strong willed. We had three years of dragging him screaming out of places. There is an end. It comes. I am in a easier point right now. He is 5. He is still incredibly stubborn but at least he is not screaming his head off all the time.