This post is brought to you by the letter “S”

S is for Spring Break

Right now, Jon is on Spring Break and while we discussed a lot of different places for us to travel to this week, we ultimately decided that for finances and for just relaxation, it would be good to stay home. We’ve done a few projects around the house and today, we have spent the entire day resting around the house. Very needed! Nathan has been super into pirates lately so Jon made him a “Captain Hook” pancake and a Mickey Mouse pancake. He was pretty stoked. 😉

S is for Skiing

Nathan skied for the first time this last weekend! I was SO proud of him. Big thanks to Uncle Bryant for breaking his back teaching him! 😉

Isn’t he about the cutest skier you’ve ever seen?

S is for Silliness

Gammy found these matching snow shirts for her and Nathan – so cute!

And I love this picture. Nathan was “teaching” Pops how to play a game on the iPad. 😉

S is for Snow

Someone loved, loved, loved the snow – he is his daddy’s boy.

Such a fun trip with the family!!

 S is for So…what are you up to this spring break?? 🙂

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One thought on “This post is brought to you by the letter “S”

  1. Your family is so cute! Love all the snow pictures, too! We have spring break next week so I'm enjoying seeing everyone's fun activities until then… off to Austin next Friday! Happy Spring Break..enjoy making memories together!

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