Question for those of you who have potty trained your kids: Would you like to take my son and get him completely trained and then give him back to me??? I am only half-kidding.
This last week was great as far as the training went. He had hardly any accidents at all, he got all kinds of prizes because he was doing so good and then Friday, for no reason at all, he decided that he was not going to use the potty at all and he’s barely done so since. We’ve tried everything – prizes, candy, consequences and nothing seems to be working. Any ideas, anyone??
On the plus side, he and I had a good time Saturday morning making doughnut mini muffins together. He even told me that he needed to get his hat on so he could cook.
Two is such an up and down age.
We used to give a quarter for trying. emphasis on *trying*. Often it was a case of getting the kids to sit still for a bit. Also gave them books to look at to take their minds off the struggle. Worked.
Hard to believe you'd ever come up short as a mom! I'm sure this season can be frustrating to say the least, but I know you are an all-star mother and are doing great! Just look at that little guy in the chef hat. 😉
Praying you'd feel God's love today, and that you'd be encouraged in this season. I love reading about all the special little things you and your family do…I hope one day (soon!) to be an amazing mom like you. 🙂
I've heard that kids have to want to try… Maybe there is something you could associate with it that is special to him. Something beyond little prizes or something. I don't know – I am the oldest of eight, so I've seen how every child is different with this! 🙂
When potty training my kids, I had them use regular underwear. Yeah, they had accidents but they hated the mess in their pants more, so eventually they started telling me when they needed to go.
My son was 2 1/2 when we started, and I think it was a little too early for him, honestly. So it took us a solid month of me cajoling, pleading, rewarding, and rejoicing, and him trying, refusing, crying, trying again before he finally "owned" the process to where he wasn't going potty because I was asking him to, but because he finally figured out how nice it was not to have a mess in his pants 🙂 And for us too, switching to real underwear and getting rid of Pull-ups completely was the catalyst for success.
It is a frustrating process for sure, so just stick with it. He'll get it 🙂
My kids were all closer to three when they were potty trained, and they have fewer accidents than younger kids did. In each case, I had to wait until they were ready. Nothing worse than trying to force your kid into it. I would back off and let him drive the process. He's still young! Good luck — it is definitely one of the most challenging things to deal with!