I love the chaos that proceeds trying to get any group picture of the kids. 😉
These are the best I could get. We finally gave up on the costumes and tried to get one later of just the kids after dinner.
My dear, dear friends! So blessed to know these women!
And one with all the husbands – I love that they are all friends as well. We had a great time!
Sunday was my favorite sister’s birthday. 😉 We had so much fun – we went to Olive Garden, we went to Starbucks and we watched Nathan decimate her presents. He’s the official present helper (aka, he’s the only one unwrapping).
Every time he helped open a present, he said, “WOW!! WHAT IS THIS??”
Me and Cayce!! I love this girl so much! 🙂
Nathan is pretty fond of his auntie too. 🙂
Happy birthday, beautiful sister! We love you lots!!