The ending of this post makes me want Chili’s.

A few weeks ago, our friend Sarah, who took our wedding pictures (and pretty much all professional pictures since then!!), had a little contest on her blog looking for love stories and the winner would get a free photo session. I figured, I didn’t have anything to lose, so I sent her a huge long Facebook message with all of the reasons I love Jon and we won! 🙂 I was absolutely ecstatic – we never win anything! Ha! So, on Friday, we had our session and it poured rain on us. 😉 I think we still got a few good ones! I’ll have to post my favorites on here when I get them!

Saturday, we spent a lazy morning at home and then went to watch college football with friends. I had a total and complete cheat day when it comes to the endometriosis diet – I ate red meat, I ate cheese dip, I ate crackers. Pretty much everything I’m not supposed to eat. 😉 I figure every so often can’t hurt! We all had such a wonderful time!

Even after we put Nathan in his big boy bed, he would still wait for us to come get him in the mornings or after nap before he’d get up. Well, on Friday morning, I heard the door click and out walked Nathan, saying, “I oped the door, Mommy.” And ever since that morning, he’s gotten up by himself every time. It’s the end of life as we know it – this morning Jon rolled over and found Nathan standing there looking at him. 😉

Tired boy on the way home from church – he played hard last night! 🙂 He is also doing MUCH better when it comes to church. He used to scream bloody murder for a few minutes (sometimes even seconds) after we dropped him off, but now he just walks right into class. Thank you, Lord! He came home a few weeks ago and told us there was a “sad boy by the wall” who was crying in Sunday School. I said, “What did you say to him, Nathan?” He said he told the boy, “I sworry you a baby.” Compassion might take some work over here. 😉

He’s been talking for the past couple weeks about his hair and how he wants to “fike it up” (Spike it up). Not sure when or where he got that idea, but he needed a haircut today anyway and somehow I got convinced to cut off his hair and turn my precious baby into a big boy.

Here’s our before shot. Look at those lovely baby hair locks. No idea why the whole picture is blue-toned.

And the after. I had a hard time getting him to sit still after having to sit for the haircut, so I had to catch him eating dinner.

It is SHORT. I told Nathan to enjoy it spiked up now because we are growing it back out starting this evening. I need my baby back. 😉

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!
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8 thoughts on “The ending of this post makes me want Chili’s.

  1. Cute! Your little Nathan grow by leaps and bounds – every time I view a new post, he's grown! He wouldn't be absolutely adored, would he? 🙂

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