
We’ve been doing a lot of this lately:

Nathan is SO into cars right now! He’ll play with them for the entire morning, driving them around, lining them all up in a row, making sure they all get gas. 😉

It’s been very nice right now. It’s a good activity since I don’t have to really be up and hefting him around while he’s driving mini cars, giving me lots of down time. I’m pretty much feeling back to normal, save for a few times of soreness here and there. Thank you for praying!!

Love this kid. I love that he’s already got such a great imagination. 🙂

Yesterday was my parents’ 30th anniversary! I am so honored and blessed to have a mom and dad who love Jesus and love each other. I love them so much – I can’t imagine going through these last few months especially without them here. They are such examples to me and Jon. I’m so thankful for them. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

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