I’ve been reading through Safe in the Arms of God by John MacArthur and really finding a lot of comfort in it. I know that our little one is in heaven, but it is wonderful having verses to back up what I know in my heart.
Nathan got to get Fruity Cheerios at Walmart the other day and he was so excited to eat them, he had to let one of his doggies share in the fun. And he was very specific that both of them needed the “bwue” spoons.
He is such a nut in front of the camera. We spent a lot of the weekend with Gammy and Pops. Nathan was super stoked to take his new helmet over to their house to play.
Baseball and Memo (Mickey Mouse). Could it get any better? He is so fun. He’ll count to ten for you now if there’s cake or a cookie or some sort of reward in it for him or if he’s not distracted by anything else. It makes me so proud. I love seeing him learn new things and I love listening to him talk. And goodness does the boy talk. If he’s awake, he’s talking.
I think we will hear this often from many of his future teachers.
Jon and I also got to have a date night this weekend. It was low key but very fun. We went to a local burger restaurant that has patio seating and amazing sweet potato fries. I’m pretty sure I could have just ordered the fries and been very happy. Then we went and got dessert at another local coffeehouse and tried (unsuccessfully) to do some birthday shopping for a goofy little boy who lives in our house. We ended up ordering his present on Amazon and I’m VERY excited to get it in the mail.
We are also hoping to move Nathan to a big boy bed the weekend of the 21st. I’m hoping to repaint his room to be a “big boy room”. I’ve found lots of really cute ideas on Pinterest and I’m thinking that we should do all this before the surgery and before we get pregnant again, God willing.
Nathan also got a much needed haircut from Gammy this weekend. Much better! I was about to need to start braiding it to keep it off his neck. 😉
We have had hot, hot, hot humid days and lots of afternoon showers and thunderstorms these last couple of weeks. The rain has been very nice but I’m praying for sunny weather for Nathan’s birthday party on Saturday. It is so hard to believe that two years ago today was my due date!
We have another doctor’s appointment and ultrasound tomorrow to make sure the medicine worked and everything is out. Please pray that we won’t need to do another round of medication and that we can get a surgery date within the next few weeks. We are very anxious to get the cysts removed and begin to try again.
Also, I just want to say THANK YOU for all of the wonderful comments, emails and Facebook messages you all have sent me over the last several weeks. I am finally getting a chance to read and reread them all and I am so blessed by them. Each of your prayers and notes have been such an encouragement to me and Jon. Love, love to you all. Please let me know how I can be praying for you as well.