We’ve been staying over at my parents’ house just because of the extra help since I’m officially on the couch and I forgot my camera, so all of the pictures I got of Jon and Nathan yesterday were with my phone.
It was a low key Father’s Day but God willing, we will get to have a HUGE celebration next year. I’m still spotting and bleeding, so please keep praying for me. I’m trying my best not to worry and to keep praying and turning that worry into praise and prayer, but it’s sometimes easier said than done. I have been so blessed by your sweet emails and messages and comments – thank you, thank you, dear friends. A lot of times, I will read back through them when I’m feeling especially worried and just feel so much better after realizing how many people are praying for our little one.
Our next appointment is a week from tomorrow. I’ll be ten weeks by then and we are praying for some significant growth. The progesterone the doctor has me on has been making me somewhat sick to my stomach, tired and at times makes me feel dizzy. So, I’ve been very thankful to have a wonderful husband off of work and family to help watch Nathan while I lay down on the couch.
Please continue to pray for us. We are so blessed to be here – I know that God has a plan for this baby, whatever it may be.
More people are praying for you and this little one than you can even imagine! God is indescribable in His mercy and power!Thanks be to Him! Whatever the outcome of this situation is God is with you and your family always! I believe He is using this situation to teach y'all something . . . Even your little one! I will continue to pray and please read James 1:12 it is my life verse and I think you may find comfort in it. Hannah
P.s cherries help with dizziness maybe try a sonic slush or something?
Praying for you and your family — especially the little one! God is using you and your sweet one. You sharing your story is a gift to many. God bless, and know that He is in control.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his footsteps." Proverbs 16:9
We all makes plans for ourselves, and sometimes others, but above all else we must remember tnat God has a plan that is far greater than ANY plan we could ever imagine. He sees the whole picture when we can see only a little bit. Our God is great, he makes no mistakes, and He holds you, your husband, little Nate, and this new baby in the palm of his hand. Furthermore, He loves y'all more than you could ever even begin to fathom. 🙂
I'll definitely keep you and your family in prayer.
We serve a BIG God who delights in the small, don't we?! ( micah 5:2-4, zech. 4:10)
Keeping yall and your precious little one in my prayers!
>oh & Jer. 29:11–always a good bonus verse
"…hope and a future." 🙂
Erynn, I'm loving Cool Beans and wanted to find out more about you.
I know what it's like to have spotting during pregnancy (and sometimes more than spotting). I was on complete bed rest for a week, and that was horrible. My husband and I were beside ourselves. I'll never forget the day I was finally allowed to sit outside in the cool April sunshine for an hour. Later that month we went on a vacation to Florida with me still walking on eggshells.
Here's the good news–that was 1985. Our son Dan is 27, healthy, and married. We never found out what caused the spotting. The rest of my pregnancy was uneventful, as was my second three years later (Laura is 23).
God is good.