21 Months

I cannot believe I just typed those words.

Nathan is
so big and so fun! I haven’t done a monthly post in a little while, so I
thought I’d write a few things down today just so I’ll remember. 😉

He is very into jumping lately. He jumps ALL the time.
Off curbs, off sidewalks, anytime there seems to be a change in the
flooring, he has to jump over it. He’s also started half-squatting,
half-walking when I’m holding his hand and we’re trying to walk through
places. He is so weird. 😉

He loves to run. Anytime he starts running, he starts yelling “Hurwy! Hurwy!”(Hurry). Ha! 😉

He talks constantly. From the moment he wakes up until
the moment I put him in bed. About everything and anything! He’s very
consistent in putting two to three (sometimes even four!) words together
now. Some of his favorites:

“Hi Dodo!!” (Hi Kody)
“Dat Mommy and Dat Daddy” (That’s Mommy’s and that’s Daddy’s. He’s become very aware of possessions.)
“I wruve oo!” (My favorite of them all.)
very excited by “caws” (cars), “Twus” (trucks) and “bites” (bikes or
motorcycles). We have to search for them anytime we go out.
“Pay beeball?” (play baseball)


whatever reason, he’s recently decided to start calling my parents
“Mimi” and “Bop”. I’m hoping he’ll move back to Gammy and Pops. 😉 He’s
also started realizing that people go together, so he’ll say “Mommy ee
Daddy. Mimi ee Bop. Nonnie ee Pop O.”

He loves, loves to talk on the phone! Anytime he hears a phone
ring, he starts yelling, “Hewwo?!” It makes for some interesting moments
in stores. If it’s my phone ringing, he starts shouting, “Daddy?!

His favorite response to anything is “Yeah.” “Did you have a good time, Nathan?” “Yeah, yeah.” 😉

His other favorite thing is to yell, “WHOA!” anytime something even remotely exciting happens.

need more” or “I want more” has become his life motto lately. I’ve been
trying to buy more fruits since they are all in season and he’ll hold
his plate up at dinner and announce “I NEED MORE!”

His memory amazes and scares me. He remembers things from months
ago. He’ll spout into this long string of words and I’ll catch a few of
them and realize he’s talking about something that happened several
weeks ago. I need to start watching what I say to him, I think! Ha! 😉

He’s still in love with the “howse” movie (Tangled).
Really, he’s in love with horses period. We’re trying to find a time and
place to go show him real horses. 😉

He is
head-over-heels in love with babies. He adores them. Anytime we get to
see Bennett, he flips out with happiness. If we pass a baby in a store,
he talks about them for the rest of the trip.

He loves to
sing. He can do most of the motions to “Jesus Loves Me”, “Itsy Bitsy
Spider” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. He loves Ring Around the

He’s started recognizing streets that we pass. Whenever
we turn onto my parents’ street, he starts saying, “Mimi! Tayce! Bop!”
And when I tell him we’re going to the zoo, he immediately says,
“Eewee?” (Hayley) “JuJu?” (Julia).

He still hates the
church nursery. He’ll begin the tearing up process as soon as we walk in
the door. I have no idea what to do to get him to be comfortable in
there. I’ve tried snacks, cookies, milk. He even gets his “baba” (paci)
in there when he’s usually only allowed to have it in bed and he’s still
not happy.

He loves hats. He will put anything on his head and wear it like a hat. He’s also become very fond of his sunglasses.

laughs all the time. Thankfully, his temper tantrums have gotten less
dramatic and less frequent (either that or I’m just more used to them.
Ha!). He has such a compassionate heart! If he thinks anyone his
hurting, he immediately tries to kiss them and then he wants a sympathy
band-aid. 😉

Nathan is the absolute joy of my life! I honestly cannot imagine a more fun, exhausting, adorable, sweet, crazy boy to love!! 🙂Photobucket