First off, WONDERFUL news – Nathan has been acting SO much better these last few days. He’s still thrown fits, but he’s doing so much better with the discipline. Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words! He’s a handful of a little guy but I absolutely ADORE being his Mommy.
A few things that I think have really helped us – Jon and I sat down on Wednesday night and came up with a game plan for tackling tantrums right when they first are starting. If nothing else, this has tremendously helped me to not feel so useless when he starts screaming. We have a plan and so far, I’ve been able to stick with it. I am definitely one of those people who needs directions to follow. 😉 I think it’s helped Nathan too, to have some consistency in his discipline.
(I have no idea why he had to pose like that when he said “CHEESE!”, but I thought it was hilarious. And can you tell that Kody is STILL suffering from postpartum depression? Ha!)
I also noticed that he seems to be especially quick to throw a tantrum midway through the morning, right before nap and then midway through the afternoon. So, I started giving him a snack like cereal (he now thinks everything good is called “Oreos” so he asks for Oreos (cereal) all day long. Ha!) in the morning and afternoon and I’ve been trying to be really good at being home and getting ready for nap by 12:30. That way, we can read, talk, sing and snuggle in the rocking chair for a little bit before nap. I think that’s also helped A LOT.
And lastly, the biggest thing I’ve done is just pray, pray, pray for him and me throughout the day. I know I’ve said this before, but I honestly just don’t know how you can be a sane parent without Jesus in your life!! I’m constantly praying for him to have self-control and for me to have wisdom in teaching him how to behave.
We had a HUGE breakthrough this weekend – Nathan was throwing a fit about something and hit Jon and then immediately grabbed Jon in a hug and said, “Wowwy. Wowwy,” before we even had the chance to tell him no. I loved it. I was so proud of him!! He didn’t act up the rest of the morning after that.
But, enough about the not fun stuff. 😉
We had a great weekend!! We spent Saturday running errands and playing around the house before taking Nathan over to Gammy and Pops so Jon and I could go on a fun date with Jamie, Justin, Clint, Leigh Ann, Thalia and Calvin. We had SUCH a great time.
Sunday, we celebrated Ali’s birthday. Nathan adores Ali. We ended up playing at Gammy and Pops’ until after dinner and then we came home and put Nathan to sleep.
Today, we had a fantastic Valentine’s Day party at Jamie’s house with the Lunch Bunch! It was SO cute. She had crafts for the kids to do and this absolutely delicious lunch. So wonderful. We even got a couch picture with the new addition of Bennett! 🙂
Can you tell someone learned how to say “Cheese!”?? 😉 He says it anytime he sees a phone or camera. Ha!
And now, Nathan is napping, I’m working on the laundry and when he wakes up, we’ll head to the grocery store because we are all out of milk. Which has been another new addition to this house – Nathan’s finally drinking milk!! I’ve been trying it since he turned a year and he’s finally been able to drink it without spitting it all back up. Yay!
What did y’all do this weekend? Have any big Valentine’s Day plans??
He's getting bigger – we need to see you soon – like before he's 18!! 😉
~ Jen