Yesterday was another hard day with Nathan. I’m not sure if he is teething, in the middle of a growth spurt or what is going on with him. Poor kid.

I was SO THANKFUL though because last night we had our monthly Lunch Bunch girls’ night at Leigh Ann’s house! We talked, we laughed… I love these women so much. God has definitely blessed me tremendously through them!!

However, this is what happens when Mommy is not around and Daddy changes Nathan’s diaper:

I am so proud. 😉

This morning, Nathan slept until 9:30 and has been wonderful most of the day! Thank you, Lord! We had a little spat at Walmart, but nothing like yesterday or the day before.

And he learned a new fun word:

Ha! He’s my son. What can I say?

6 thoughts on “O-R-E-O

  1. Go Nathan! That is a fun word, but also a good one to know when he wants to request a good cookie 🙂 Enjoy the oreos, Nathan! He's so precious and so smart, thanks for sharing!!

  2. Ha! That is hilarious. He's adorable. I love the look on his face too. That's the same look I get when there are Oreos around. 😉

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