So we’ve spent another day in our sweatpants. Praying he feels better after he wakes up from his nap!
On to Friday Favorites…
1. Psalm 34:10
This week, God has just given me so much comfort and this verse was one of my very favorites. I have been trying to turn my thoughts away from what I want and instead focusing on God’s love for me.
2. Caramel Macchiatos
I just love them. And this week, my mom brought me a hot one and an iced one (thanks Mom!!). And they are pretty much amazing either way.
3. Skippyjon Jones
Love this book. Love it, love it, love it, love it. We borrowed it from the library last week and I’m about to buy it for us now. It’s hilarious.
4. Burlap and Muslin
I don’t know why, but I really love these two fabrics right now. I made the board for our bedroom – I want to add a few more things to it, but it’s coming along!
5. Reese’s Peanut Butter EggsI found these in our grocery store early this year and I was SO excited. Say what you will, the peanut butter eggs taste completely different than the peanut butter cups.
6. Infant’s TylenolI started thinking last night as I was rocking with Nathan how thankful I was for medication that could quickly reduce a child’s fever. I can’t imagine being a parent back when they had to worry about a fever taking a child’s life.
And, last but not least…
7. It’s Friday!
And that means breakfast for dinner tonight and sleeping in tomorrow! 🙂 It’s the little things in life sometimes… 😉
Your turn! What have been your favorites this week??