I have been and will continue to pray for each of you who are also in a season of waiting. It’s not easy – I ached right along with you as I read your comments. God has given me SO much encouragement in the last few days – He is GOOD. He does have good things planned for us! This is one of those times I hate Blogger – I wish there was a way to reply to each of your comments or somehow meet in person so we could give each other a hug and maybe talk over a caramel macchiato.
It always amazes me how God seems to bless when we finally follow His leading in our lives. You guys have NO idea how much I fought writing that last post. I am so glad I finally listened and wrote it. Please know I am praying for those of you who left comments by name! Please do keep me updated on what God does in your life!
(I also just want to say to all you beautiful, sweet women who are waiting for a husband – Jon was only the second man I ever dated…and we didn’t start dating until I was 22. The first date I ever went on was when I was 21. Please don’t lose hope – God is preparing you and your future husband for so much and it was huge for me to not bring a lot of relationship baggage into our marriage. I am praying SO much for you!!)
Like I said, I’m very overwhelmed. This weekend, I read each of your comments over and over again, prayed for each of you and just felt completely and wonderfully blessed by you. Thank you!
I’ve also found a LOT of comfort in these verses and just wanted to share them with you: “This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.” Confident access to God – I love that. I think a lot of times I feel like I can’t ask God for something – that it would be wrong to bring a desire and not a need to Him. But Jesus told us to come to Him like little children and Nathan has NO problem coming to me with every single one of his desires. 😉
We had a quiet weekend, which was very nice after a crazy week like last week. On Saturday, we did a few errands and then while Nathan took his nap, Jon worked on putting together a sandbox for Nathan (a Christmas present from Gammy and Pops that we are finally getting a chance to set up!) and I ran to Hobby Lobby. It’s amazing how much easier it is to shop there when Nathan’s not grabbing for every breakable thing in the store. 😉
Nathan LOVED his sandbox. Loved it! It was so cute to watch him. I imagine we’ll be spending many, many days out there. 🙂 It’s perfect too because it gives him something to do and I can sit out there with him and write.
We went to Clint and Leigh Ann’s for dinner and did a trial run of putting Nathan down to sleep there while we talked and hung out. It worked! Nathan slept great and went right back to sleep when we came home around 11:45. That’s the latest we’ve been out in a LONG time! 🙂 We let the kids take a bath together. All went well until Nathan felt the need to pee right when we were rinsing them off. Oh, my son…
Yesterday, Gammy and Pops took Nathan home with them from church and Jon and I got to go on a very long lunch date. It was absolutely wonderful. So much has been going on and it was so good just to talk. Our church has been going through an amazing series on marriage and it has given us lots of things to talk through and pray though. I’m excited to see what God is going to do through it!
We just got back from Lunch Bunch a little bit ago, Nathan is down for a nap and I’m about to start working on my deadline. Halfway through! 🙂
Ohhh a caramel macchiato sounds soooo good right now. 🙂 I just wanted to thank YOU for your encouragement and prayers. Its so special to know that someone all the way over in America is praying for me – when I'm here in Australia! And please know that I am praying for you and your beautiful family.:) It just shows how great our God is doesn't it? Prayers to him can travel across oceans – just like his love I guess. Thankyou for showing God's love through this blog, it always gives me encouragement when I hear about your stories and go, "Thats me!" and then see how God used them to bless you.
Hugs and kisses all the way from australia,
Love Gracie
Dear Erynn,
I just wanted to say…thanks! Your stories (and of course your wonderful blog!) have touched not only me, but many of the people around me. I'm a highschooler (if that's a word) in Australia, NSW, and I love the MissMatch and CoolBeans series! I used them as a way to bring those friends and fellow schoolmates of mine, who were struggling with their faith in the midst of their teen years, closer to God – in a more not-throwing-the-faith-in-your-face-way!
They were a hit! It's so wonderful how clean, God-centred writing can bring people together and make them laugh and become stronger children in Christ. May God bless you and thanks again!
Hey! I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your post the other day. I talked to my doctor about us trying for another the other day and she told me that sometimes it's not unusual for your body to take 6 whole months after you stop nursing just to start working normally again. That made me feel a lot better. =)
Thank you for praying for me and I will continue to pray for you! I wish that we could meet and talk in person too! : ) Hope that you have a great week!
Thank you for your words of encouragement about waiting for my Prince Charming 🙂 They brightened up my day. I'm praying for you–God bless you!
God is working in my life in another way. I most desperately want more kids but God is working I my heart. I need to not focus on having more kids but to focus on the two that I have. I finally gave in last week. So hard to give up my wants. "Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open." Corrie ten Boom
Thanks Erynn. I feel so lucky to have you praying for me. Thank you.
Also, THANK YOU for sharing those verses. God has been telling me the same thing and it was soo cool to see that. A real God-thing. 🙂 Thanks. 🙂
Still praying for you. 🙂
Love Joy