Our Christmas

This is SO late in coming! We’ve been laying around Mom and Dad’s house all week and Nathan has been totally and completely spoiled rotten. We’ve had the best time!

We went over to my parents’ house on the Thursday night before Christmas Eve because there was talk of a big snowstorm. Bryant’s sweet girlfriend, Michaela, came in town the week of Christmas and I was SO excited to meet her! Nathan adored her – I’m pretty sure he thought she was there for him. 😉

Christmas Eve night, we all got out of our pajamas for our gourmet dinner of prime rib, potatoes rolls and salad and we finished it up with freshly baked Christmas cookies! Even Nathan got to have some – he thought he was about the coolest kid around.

After Caleb’s girlfriend, Ali, got off work that night, we all opened our new Christmas pajamas from Mom and Dad. They all had A Christmas Story quotes on the shirts – best Christmas movie EVER!

Then we all hurried to bed so Santa could come visit and goodness, he did!! 😉

We were all spoiled rotten this Christmas! I’m SO very thankful for my amazing family – God has blessed me far beyond my wildest imaginings. What a wonderful week of hanging out with them!

Nathan has decided that his job is to “help” everyone do everything. Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes it is not. 😉

Helping Pops with the cinnamon rolls = Good.

Helping Pops clean out the closet?

Um… 😉

He’s also learned the “no” word and yells it at the top of his lungs when he doesn’t want to do something. Joy. Looks like our parenting has moved to a new level. 😉 Praying hard for God to give me patience! He is SO fun, but soooo busy and full of energy! I might have to switch back to my caffeinated coffee. 😉 He talks all. the. time.

Two days ago, my grandmother, Nama, came in town and we have had the BEST time with her so far. We went to the River of Lights, a Christmas light display here in town.

Nathan loved it!

I’m so excited to spend a few more days hanging out with Nama! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! What was your favorite part of the day?

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