Marathons and Girls Nights

This last weekend, my mom was in the Las Vegas Rock N’ Roll Marathon. I am SO proud of her!! She did great!! 🙂

We had to send her a few signs just to encourage her along the way. I really wanted to go be there to support her, but staying in Vegas with a 16-month-old just didn’t sound too easy to manage. Particularly a BUSY boy like I’ve got!

Last night, we had our Lunch Bunch girls night and a Christmas gift exchange. Everyone was SO sweet and once again, we were locking up with the people who own the restaurant. 🙂 I love these girls and I love our nights out!!

We had our family pictures taken a little bit ago and we got the pictures back! Here are a few of my favorites. I just love them! Our fabulous photographer, Sarah, has taken all of the pictures from engagement on for me and Jon – she’s become a sweet friend. 🙂

The one below is my absolute favorite! 🙂

And my new favorite activity? Nathan absolutely LOVES to go look at the Nativity scene I’ve got up on our mantle. And he can even say “Baby Jesus”! I love it. Just love it. This is such a fun age!

Gammy came and watched Nathan this morning while I went to one of our local coffeehouses and wrote for several hours. What a HUGE help! I got a ton done and now that it’s nap time, I’m hoping to get more done still! Thank you so much, Mom!

What are your favorite Christmas traditions??

4 thoughts on “Marathons and Girls Nights

  1. I absolutely LOVED those signs Nathan sent me during the marathon! They definitely kept me going! And the encouragement and support you all have given me throughout my training means so much! Thank you, thank you! It was SO much fun! I can't wait for the next one…maybe this time one of you will do it with me?? 🙂

    I'm so thankful I can watch Nathan for you while you write. We had too much fun dancing to Christmas music, making lots of delicious food to eat, playing ball, reading books…you name it and we played it! I'm already looking forward to the next time! YAY!

  2. Love the family photos! The black and whites are especially pretty. One of my favorite things right now is to come home, turn on the Christmas tree, and watch my little man look at all the ornaments and them bring his toys as close to the tree as he can get them. He's been playing right by the tree all season. I love it.

    Erynn, speaking of nativity, my mom just bought this for my boy, and I'm sure Nathan would flip over it!

  3. Very cute photos! Probably my favorite Christmas tradition growing up was caroling. We'd get on hay wagons at church, all bundled up, and ride around the neighborhood singing through papers of Christmas songs (which we read by flashlight or glowsticks). This year my 2 year old was given a Little People nativity so we've been playing with that almost every day – I'm loving it, especially hearing her narrate.

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