The last couple of weeks

This is mostly just for my memories. Since I’ve been posting the Fall Fiction Frenzy, I didn’t get to update on my little Tot, who just had his second Halloween.

I don’t know how he got to be so old.

We pulled out the Christmas movies! Last year, my siblings got Nathan the Christmas Classics DVD set (one of the BEST gifts EVER!). So, we had to start watching those! We showed Nathan Rudolph one night after dinner and he had to go get his blanket, Wyatt and Lucky and sit in his little chair with them while watching the movie. At least, until it got tense. 🙂

We went back to the same Pumpkin Patch we did pictures at last year to get family pictures done again this year. Let me tell you – last year was WAY easier! Last year, we just kind of propped him up and got him to smile. This year, it was like a wrestling match to get him to sit still! We still got a few good ones though, I think. 🙂

Gammy and Pops came with us and got some grandparent pictures done! I need to frame Nathan with both sets of grandparents at the Patch.

After we got pictures, we let him run around and play with all the fun things they had to do there. I love his face with the duck races!!

And then Pops pushed him around on the tractor, since someone’s legs still don’t quite reach the pedals.

Y’all, I have to confess: Way, WAY before Jon and I even met, I always had this picture in my head of my little kid all dressed up for Halloween, sitting on the couch with a bunch of his or her friends also all dressed up.

And this year, I got my picture!! God is SO good, isn’t He? I love how He fulfills dreams – in His timing.

Aren’t their expressions hilarious?? They look like they’re all about to be sent to the chopping block! Ha! We had the Lunch Bunch over to my parents’ house for chili. Everyone brought a TON of food, so we just ate, laughed, took a million pictures of the kids and had a wonderful night! I hope it becomes a yearly tradition. 🙂

Last Friday night, Jon had to run get more grass seed to fill in a few spots on the lawn, so Nathan and I went with him. Nathan had the BEST time at Lowe’s! I’m debating about going there on days when I just need to get out of the house! Ha!

He loved riding the “dack-der!”. I think it’s so fun that he’s starting to say so many words! And that I can finally understand a lot of what he’s saying!

We were walking through the Christmas aisle and saw all the huge blow up Christmas displays for sale. Nathan saw this one:

And came to a dead stop and said “Mim-mey!” and started waving.

Ha! Someone’s a fan!

2 thoughts on “The last couple of weeks

  1. Hi Erynn!

    Thanks for sharing! Looks like Halloween was a lot of fun! I loved all of the pictures of Nathan! : )

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