This last week, Nathan has only been taking one nap a day, which means that by 5 or 5:30 at night, he is the biggest crabby-head in the whole world. He cries and whines and follows me around whimpering with big huge tears rolling down his face. And the fits! Oh my, the fits…
Poor kid. He is not taking the transition to one nap well. Neither, I might add, is his mother. 😉 Look at this sad face:
And, speaking of big huge tears, Nathan found my camera on some of our lawn furniture and decided to throw it on the patio and broke my lens. 🙁 It was my own fault for leaving it within his ever-expanding reach. I’m so bummed. I need to take it in to see if I can get someone to fix it. In the meantime, I guess I’ll have to take pictures of my grouchy child with Photo Booth. Poor baby. He went down pretty early tonight for bed – praying that he’ll sleep very well and we’ll both wake up ready for a cheerful day tomorrow!
Has anyone ever broken a detachable lens camera? And ballpark – how much did it cost you to fix it?
Hi Erynn,
Huge fan of your books and so are my friends. Anyway I was flipping through my friends GirlsLife and I what did I see in the " This Week's Teen Read"?
Needless to say we flipped out.
I just wanted you to know even though you probably already did. So i just really wanted everyone else to know. whoo national magazine 😀
Hey Erynn, longtime lover of your books 🙂
I know quite a bit about cameras, and usually, it's more cost effective to buy new. More and more options are coming out everyday, and the quality is usually better than what was out before. If you have an SLR and it's the lens that is broken… maybe that one is worth enough that fixing may be cheaper. How long are you willing to be without a camera while it's being fixed? Specially with the boy changing every day?