Jon’s aunt, cousin and cousin-in-law came in town last week and took the three of us out to dinner. We had such a great time with them! Nathan loved showing off his new tricks and some of his favorite toys. And he did NOT want to go to bed. Ha! 🙂
Friday night, we had Clint, Leigh Ann and Hayley over for dinner. Then we put the kids to bed and had a great time talking and playing games – so fun!! It’s nice to have “kid-free” evenings every once in awhile. Even if that just means having them after bedtime. 😉
Yesterday, Jon, Nathan and I went to the state fair!! We had SO much fun – what a great family day! I’m so glad it worked out for us to go – we tried to go Saturday, but after spending TWO HOURS in traffic to get there, we gave up and went to Gammy and Pops’ house for dinner. We planned better yesterday and went right after church got out.
Nathan loved the baby animals! He got SO excited! But his favorite part of the fair was definitely the “McDonald’s Farm” where all the little kids can walk around and gather fruits and veggies and eggs.
I thought he was the CUTEST thing in his apron!
The kids all got to ride tractors too, but since Nathan’s feet didn’t even touch the pedals, he got a little help from Dad. 😉
He took a 40 minute nap the ENTIRE day, so at the end of the day, he was wearing out fast, but he still was happy enough to have some laughs with Mom.
I love this boy!! He grabbed my face and started saying, “I laa laa laa…” SO sweet.