Busy Day

Thank you for your prayers! The interview went okay, I think. 😉 I’ll be sure to post a link after it airs on September 8th!

After the interview yesterday, Nathan and I hung out and maybe went to go get Icees at Target. And we maybe tried on ADORABLE boots but I just couldn’t bring myself to buy them because a) they had like a 3-inch heel and while I love towering above the majority of mankind in my short, short state, I just didn’t know if I could handle THAT much love and b) I can talk myself out of almost anything.

Then, last night, we had a Lunch Bunch girls night and you guys – I had the BEST time. We talked and ate delicious queso and laughed until we cried and never once did we have to stop and cut someone’s food or change a diaper. So much fun and so needed!! God has blessed me with a wonderful, wonderful group of friends!

Today, we took a walk with my sweet neighbor and her two boys this morning, then came home and took Attempted Nap #1. Which ended with a resounding failure and resulted in Nathan pulling my entire bedroom apart while I took a 2.77 second shower so we could go meet Jon for lunch at school.

Nathan LOVED school. He hasn’t been to Jon’s work since the school year started up again, which means he hasn’t been there when he could walk around. He quickly discovered that the empty hallways provided excellent acoustics for his yodeling. 🙂

Every single picture I had of him at school is blurred from his constant motion – he’s very quiet and subdued, this one.

We came home after lunch and did Attempted Nap #2, which went better than #1 in that he actually went to sleep, but not nearly as good as normal since he only slept an hour.

Oh the short nap. I love it like I love half-eaten moldy fruit on my counter, mysterious stains that randomly appear in the middle of my carpet and smallpox.

So, we ran to the grocery store and now we’re going to try and keep morale high and play with his toys while we wait for Daddy to come home. It’s been a busy but good day. 🙂



When Jon and I got married, his sweet uncle offered to videotape our wedding for us and put it on a DVD. Well, right after our wedding, he ended up changing jobs and starting at a very high stress workplace where he barely had any time off at all.

Long story to say that we – to our surprise – just got our wedding DVD in the mail last week. Ha! I had almost forgotten all about it, so it was SUCH a fun thing to find in the mail!

And of course, we had to watch it that very night after the Nater Tot went to sleep. 🙂

It was SO fun to remember things I’d stressed over that now seemed totally pointless to worry about (example – the unity candle? the order of the service? the music? the decor? etc. 🙂 ). I think both of us were so overwhelmed that day that we totally spaced through most of our wedding – so it was nice to actually HEAR our vows. Ha! 🙂

I grinned like a Cheshire cat through the whole entire thing while Jon just looked very serious. I think he knew what he was getting into while I was blissfully ignorant. 😉

Funny how things have changed since then!

We got to have a long-anticipated date night on Saturday and went to one of our favorite places – California Pizza Kitchen. Oh, the tiramisu… I love it so!!

Please keep me in your prayers tomorrow! I have an interview on one of our local TV stations here – pray that I will be a light for Christ and that I won’t be a big bundle of nerves!! Thanks so much, guys! 🙂


It’s Hard Being One

We have had a busy and fun last couple of days! Yesterday, we went to Leigh Ann and Hayley’s house for lunch and then they came with us to Nathan’s favorite place – Menchies!! I don’t think you can NOT have a good time there. I didn’t get any pictures because I was so busy feeding Nathan mango sorbet.

I finally got out to Old Navy today after eying their fall clothes selection online for the last three weeks (go now!! Most of it is on sale!!). We met my friend Melanie and her daughter Julia there and had a great time! I think both Mel and I are a little scared that Julia and Nathan are going to get into serious trouble someday. They are both SO rambunctious and crazy! They bicker and fight and hug like siblings. 🙂

We came home and it’s been one constant teary fit since then. Nathan’s, not mine. I’m not sure what is going on with him this afternoon, but I have to admit, it’s a little hard to take him seriously.

He’s doing this new thing too, where he will climb in my lap, put his face about half a centimeter away from mine and then start talking very seriously and enunciating very slowly, eyes all big, like maybe that will help me understand him better. It’s SO cute.

Maybe some Friday night pizza will help us all. 😉



We had to get the oil changed on Tuesday, so Nathan and I left the car at the shop and walked across the street to Kohls. We didn’t find too much and we still had some time to kill, so we had to head over to Coldstone for some ice cream. 😉

At four in the afternoon. Right before we went home to get dinner started.

Jon came to meet us at Coldstone and let Nathan dance on the table and then wave to the people walking through the parking lot outside. While still standing on the table.

Tuesday was Parental Fail day for us. 😉


Crazy Week

Last Thursday was my brother Bryant’s birthday and his last day here before he headed back to Austin to finish up his Master’s degree. So sad! We met everyone except Jon and my dad (who had to work) for breakfast that morning at Bryant’s favorite restaurant and then spent the rest of the day hanging out at my parent’s house.

As usual, Nathan was the official gift-unwrapper-helper. 🙂 We’ll miss Bryant this coming semester – but I’m very thankful that when he comes home at Christmas, he gets to stay home forever! 🙂

Friday, Nathan and I met Eryn, Eve, Leigh Ann and Hayley at the zoo and had a great time. The goal was to get Nathan to take a nap there in his stroller and that (of course) did not happen. Why nap when there are so many fun things to look at?

And then, this weekend started Operation We Wish We Lived In A Greener State – a.k.a. we’re putting grass in our all-rock backyard. We started working Saturday and let me tell you – I always thought we had a smaller backyard until we started trying to shovel all the rock out. Now it seems HUGE.

My dad and Caleb came over to help which was SO wonderful! We would not have gotten nearly as much done without them!!

Also, I forgot to mention on my Fall post that both sweaters were from Old Navy. Anyone gone shopping for cute fall clothes yet??


Wordless Wednesday

Nathan’s new “cheese!” face:

Okay, nearly wordless! 🙂 We finally had his one year appointment today. We’ve had to keep rescheduling because of schedule conflicts. He weighed 21 pounds, 10 ounces – which was in the 25th percentile, 32 inches tall – 92nd percentile, and his head was 48.5 centimeters around – 91st percentile. He’s growing lots – but just keeps the same proportions! Ha! 🙂 He’s grown three inches since his 9-month appointment! No wonder I can’t find pants to fit him…



The temperatures are supposed to be in the high-90’s this whole week, but I have to confess, I’ve been dreaming of this:

Seriously. How cute is that? Or this:

I’m really loving the whole open-cardigan look this fall. With jeans and boots? I think they are adorable.

Now I just need the weather to cooperate a little bit, because as much as I love the look, I just don’t think I can wear a sweater – regardless of how open the weave is – when it’s 97 degrees, 40% humidity and I’m juggling my purse, a diaper bag backpack and this crazy boy:

I always used to sigh and shake my head at those stay-at-home moms who only wore T-shirts and jeans on What Not to Wear, but…guys?

I have become that mom. I’m begging you here – what fall fashions are you guys most excited about?? I need some style ideas!


The Last of Summer

Today started Jon’s first day back at work, so Monday and Tuesday were spent running last minute errands, playing with Daddy and soaking up a few extra mornings of taking turns sleeping in.

Nathan got to experience part of the fun of being a “big boy” this past week – dipping food into ranch dressing (or really, any kind of dip – ketchup, mustard, salad dressing, yogurt…). He has now decided that he can’t eat anything unless it’s dipped. 😉

Since Jon has been off this last week, we did a little bit of rearranging. I was going crazy having all of Nathan’s toys in the living room all the time. So we moved the toys to the office and moved our desk to our bedroom. It makes our bedroom cramped, but at least we have a clean living area!

So, I’ve been wanting a way of storing a few of Nathan’s toys that he plays with a lot in the living room without it causing a HUGE mess. I found these little storage ottomans from Target. I think they are so cute. We had them home all of about three minutes, though, before this happened:

He climbed in and out for over an hour and half. He’d climb in, sit inside, read a book or play with the remote and then climb back out. Put the lid on, take the lid off and start all over. 🙂

And can you tell he found a new hat he loves? 😉

Less than a week until Sketchy Behavior releases!! Cannot, cannot wait! 🙂 Don’t forget that you can order an autographed copy in my bookstore! And if you’re looking for a quick, fun read before then, Fish and Chips is available for Kindle!


Winner and Watermelons

I’m SO glad that all of you are so excited for Sketchy Behavior!! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! The winner of the autographed copy of Sketchy Behavior is…

It’s Alyssa C! Yay! Send me your address and who you’d like it autographed to to erynnmangum@gmail.com and I’ll get that out to you ASAP! And if you didn’t win, remember you can buy an autographed copy from my bookstore!

Last night, Nathan got to eat his first whole piece of watermelon at my parents’ house. We’ve given him diced chunks before, but never a whole slice.

Think he liked it? 🙂 The red mark on his forehead is from a bug bite – poor baby has gotten a few of them this summer. He’s just too sweet, I guess! Jon has been off this whole last week, so we’ve been really enjoying having Daddy home. I think two people are going to miss him very much when he goes back to work now that school is about to start up again.

Nathan has adjusted to not nursing very well. Tonight, he even went to sleep without crying at ALL. Wow! God is very good!
