I’m in shock. Wasn’t I just praying that I would go into labor on my due date? Which, one year ago, was tomorrow??
Today has already been a fun day! Nathan slept VERY late today, thanks to a later bedtime after community group last night, and so we went and met my sweet friend Eryn and her precious baby Eve at Chick-Fil-A for an early lunch.
And, it’s Cow Appreciation Day at CFA today. If you dress like a cow, you get a free meal at CFA. So….I present the baby cows!
I love this picture! Eryn is WAY creative and made Evie’s bows and skirt. Seriously. With her own hands.
And, if you can believe this, I actually colored on Nathan’s onesie. With my own hands. I didn’t even trace those spots or anything. 😉 Ha! We had such a fun lunch today! Excited for a fun night tonight with Nathan’s great-grandma!!
SO CUTE! Thanks for sharing, Erynn! 🙂