Hoppy Easter!

Easter is one of my all-time favorite holidays – mostly for the church service. I love, love, LOVE Easter services!

This was Nathan’s first Easter and our first Easter service at our church – we were going to Mars Hill ABQ a year ago, but didn’t make it to the service because we ended up sick.

So, it was SO fun to get to see it! Our church really did it up nicely – awesome songs, a great message and at the end, they released tons of huge balloons from the top of the balcony that everyone bounced up and down in the air. SUCH a party!! I love it! There is no better way to celebrate Jesus being alive! And Nathan was just AMAZED.

We tried to get family pictures which is always an adventure these days! Ha! I loved this one, but I think this one more captures who my son really is:

We went to Mom and Dad’s for yummy hot dogs and hamburgers and spent the rest of the day watching Nathan do his first Easter egg hunt, as in, he picked up the eggs scattered all over the family room. 🙂

He was very excited about it. We even put Puffs in a few of the eggs. Ha! 🙂

Auntie Cayce helped him find some on the coffee table. 🙂

Nathan got to ride the tractor with Pops. Doesn’t he look so big in these pictures? I cannot believe how big he’s getting!

He got his first goose egg yesterday (fitting, right?). He was pulling up and down on the coffee table, lost his grip and smacked right into the edge of it with his eyebrow. It swelled up into a little bump and cried and cried and I might have teared up too. 🙁 Some ice and snuggling with Mom seemed to fix it. 🙂

And he was more than fine a little later playing with Gammy…

Such a fun day! Today has been such a great day too – he took an awesome morning nap and then we went over to my friend Jamie’s house for Lunch Bunch. Nathan always plays himself silly every Monday and today was no different! Leigh Ann brought little Hayley Grace for the first time today and since Leigh Ann still can’t drive from her C-section, they got to come with us!

The kids afterwards – so cute!

What are your special Easter traditions??

6 thoughts on “Hoppy Easter!

  1. I can't believe it's been a YEAR!! Last year WAS fun to be with you guys on Easter. =)

    N is getting WAY too big for his britches. Tell him to slow it down a bit!! =)

    ~ Jen

  2. Erynn, I love your little family so much, even though I have never met you or your family! Reading about your adorable family makes me so happy and makes me smile!

    I just noticed that the title said "hoppy" instead of "happy"…I'm so observant! 🙂

  3. Our Easter tradition is to go to church, come home and have a big lunch of baked ham, mashed potatoes, corn, marshmallow salad…….then we dye Easter eggs (usually those are done the night before though) and as of this year we make confetti eggs. This year was my nephews first Easter so he hunted the eggs in the yard, and then the grown up kids threw the confetti eggs at eachother.

    Thank you fir sharing about your sweet family. I love to read your posts.

  4. Hey so this is a kind of a random question to your very cute post. But I am in desperate need of some hilarious, light, christian fiction. I am looking for seriously funny books. Like when I read your books there are times where I literally drop the book I am in such pain from laughing so hard. That is the kind of funny I am talking about 🙂 Do you know of any Authors or books you could recommend that are equally spiritual & hilarious?


  5. Nathan is soo adorable! (or adorbs, feel free to use that in your next book haha:D) 🙂
    Your family looks so fun to be around! I love easter, especially how my church does it a well! This year I sang in the service with a small group of college students and high school students. It was amazing! I can't wait for next year!

    Thank you for sharing about your family and your adorable son!


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