First, we made a stop at Walmart where I had a few coupons for diapers and a free contact solution kit that they are giving out in the Vision Center today. I was getting low on solution but was procrastinating on buying more – guess procrastination DOES pay off? (Don’t tell my editors I said that! Ha!)
Then we had to swing by Starbucks and pick up their free coffee or tea. All you’ve got to do is bring your own mug. That was easy enough.
We went and did a few not so fun errands – the bank, the gas station – and then headed to the mall where Origins is giving away a free facial cleanser with this form and a bottle of a skincare product you want to swap for it. Yours can be empty or full, lotion or soap – it doesn’t matter. So I took a small lotion bottle I’d bought very cheap and hated. And an added bonus, we got to say hi to Nathan’s Auntie Cayce who works in the mall. Nathan was very happy about that visit. 🙂
I walked around Old Navy, but aside from trying a few summer hats on the Nater Tot (which he promptly removed), I didn’t see anything. I’ll probably go back there tomorrow because they are having men’s polo shirts on sale for $6 and you can’t beat that.
Also tomorrow, you can stop by Lowe’s for a free tree. Yup. Tree. I know, I know, flowers and plants come to my house to die, but maybe trees are in a different category as far as that goes? Anyway, I figure we can replace the tree that is um, dead in the backyard. (I really need to remember that plants need water.)
And let’s not forget the BIGGEST freebie of all – it’s Good Friday and Christ died so that you can have the FREE gift of eternal life with your Heavenly Dad! I love how the song puts it: “It was my sin that held Him there, until it was accomplished. His dying breath has brought me life, I know that it is finished. I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom. But I will boast in Jesus Christ! His death and resurrection!”
Nathan crashed about five minutes after we got home which gives me a chance to have my quiet time, clean up my messy house and get ready for a date night tonight with Jon. My parents are watching him – we are so excited! Thanks Gammy and Pops!
I love free stuff (who doesn't?) and its great that you managed to save money in the process. There isn't really alot of free things around at the moment here but I did pick up a sample bag full of goodies (mints, soft centered choc chip cookies etc) with my favourite food magazine. Which was great 🙂 the cookies were the best I need to buy some.
Hope your easter is full of chocolate 🙂
Haha, so I clicked on the free contact solution link, and when the window popped up guess what I saw! The same girl that is on the Maya book cover! Haha, I thought it was rather funny and had to share. 😀