It’s Christmas Eve Eve!!!

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. Y’all know how I am around Christmas – pretty much, I turn into a nutcase and this year has been especially bad since I’ve now got a great reason to go crazy. BUT, unlike most years where I’m totally done shopping by two weeks before Christmas, I barely even started shopping this year until then. So, I’ve been running around like an insane person trying to get everything done before Christmas and this is really the only time I’ve had to write a quick post.

Note the word quick. 🙂 Hopefully, though, I’ll get a chance after Christmas to catch up on things! I have like a zillion pictures that I’ve taken over the last few days that I want to post. Our church did a Baby Dedication service where we dedicated Nathan and it was just SO special. So, prepare for TONS of pictures very soon!

I hope that you have a FABULOUS Christmas and that even in the midst of the craziness that you get a few minutes by yourself to just remember that Christ came as a baby boy… This is so real to me this year with our little Nater Tot here! I have been thinking a lot about how God gave us His Son… His Son. I can’t even imagine. I have a hard time letting people even hold Nathan – I can’t imagine giving him over to people who I knew would abuse and kill him.

It’s not even fathomable.

This year, I hope you are able to find time to be alone with Him.

It’s almost Christmas!!!


2 thoughts on “It’s Christmas Eve Eve!!!

  1. Merry Christmas Erynn ! I didn't do any shopping till yesterday ! It was crazy ! I hope you have a peaceful relaxing christmas! Merry 1st Christmas to Nathan !

  2. Have a very special Christmas with your California family! You are greatly missed here! Merry Christmas, my sweet child! Hug that precious baby for me…and of course, Jon! 🙂

    I love you, Hon.

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