I want you to know… I searched EVERYWHERE for a costume for Nathan. I mean it. Every single place I could think of. I only had a few criteria it needed to meet:
1) 0-3 month preferably
2) a boy’s costume
3) something he could move around in
4) something he could be held in
5) nothing scary or gross
6) under $10
7) preferably a baby cow. or a pig. or a moose (couldn’t you just DIE with him in a moose costume?)
And oddly enough, no one had anything that met all the things I was looking for. Which was a real bummer because I was all set and ready to take millions of pictures.
Instead, I found a snuggly pair of jammies at Target and he wore that. Probably not his first choice, but it was the choice that I had to make. Next year. Next year I will start my search for the baby moose costume much earlier.
We had our friends Clint and Leigh Ann over for pumpkin carving and soup. And those pumpkins…
Turned out amazing! I love how it’s amazing, amazing, ehhh, and amazing. The jack-o-lantern in Nathan’s pumpkin. We probably should have taken more time carving his.
We had such a great night though. The house was hot, the soup was hot and so the back door was open most of the night (our heating bill is going to be HORRENDOUS with how high we heat it with Nathan here!). We ran out of candy around nine, sadly. And I saw about eight Scream masks with blood running down them and decided all that is wrong with the world had to have some origin with those.
I’ve loved reading your favorite fall recipes! And I have to tell y’all – I found a pumpkin pie candle at Target the other day (same day I bought the onesie, actually) that seriously makes your house smell like you’ve been baking all day. Yummishness, over here.
Last week was my beautiful sister’s twentieth birthday – SO crazy! She’s such a good Auntie Cayce – Nathan just adores her. He lights up whenever she smiles at him. I think someone might need a little chat on how Aunties can only be Aunties and he needs to start flirting with girls his own age. 😉
Well. The N-Tot is down for a nap – which have been going SO much better! He now naps for at least an hour twice a day – YAY! I didn’t end up sticking with the cry it out method. It seriously KILLED me to listen to him sob in there and I decided that I need our rocking time just as much as he does! My baby won’t be a baby forever…
Anyway. The above paragraph was supposed to be my sign-off, but I got distracted. Can we tell it’s getting close to the holidays? I feel like my brain doesn’t work quite as well this time of year.
I’ve been working on a Tootise Pop while writing this and I’m happy to say that it takes 54 licks to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop.
Y’all have a great day. 🙂
Awww he is such an adorable baby i LOVE baby's but anyways. I just read your new book and I cried and laughed I read it in 1 and a half day's lol it was soooo good. cant wait to see if there is a new series coming I hope cause i love your books to death.
For good costumes on the cheap, look at second hand shops (not too last minute if you're feeling particular – it's a popular stop). And some will discount what's left in the last week or two before Halloween.
A moose would have been cute, but Nathan looks adorable in whatever he wears! He's so smiley — I just love it.
Two Erynn-related things came in the mail today, one good, one not so good. The first was my copy of Double Shot — yes! I can't wait to start reading it after the kids are in bed. The second was the welcome baby card that I mailed to you months and months and months ago. All this time, I thought you'd received it! It had the right amount of postage and everything, but it's marked "undeliverable at this address." I copied it down so carefully, I don't know what happened! I feel so bad that you never got it! Wou-ld you mind giving me the correct address again so I can match it up? I'll send it off ASAP, but I know it's not the same anymore — Nathan's not really a newborn anymore, but I made it for you specifically, so I'd still like you to have it. :o)
Wow I can't image running out of candy! We had 2 trick-or-treaters this year… I think the most we've every had is 5. =)
Nathan is adorable!!
What a fun night! We love being with ya'll! I loved Nathan's snuggly little pumpkin outfit 🙂
We did the same thing with our little man last year – a Halloween romper. This year we happened to randomly find a hippo costume on Amazon in MAY for $4! He LOVES hippos, so it was a huge hit. I kinda hope it fits again next year. 😉
So I have to ask…Halloween is over. Time for Christmas music in the O'Brien household?
I got Double Shot yesterday night and I'm already done with it!! It was SO GOOD! I totally loved it. 🙂
As a Tootsie Pop lover…..what's your favorite flavor? I'm loving the green apple currently out. Watermelon and lemon lime are also favorites. Random….
Pumpkins are amazing…even more is your family! (And I am so in support of you rocking him to sleep….it all passes so fast and in the big picture, I really don't think it makes any difference!)
I should save Noah's costume for you next year… although it's not a moose. Hmmmm…..
And we missed coming over for soup. Would have been fun.
I miss Nathan. He's too cute to not see more often. =(
~ (Aunt)Jen(Jen)