Three Months Old!

I cannot cannot believe I’m already writing a post with that title! These past three months have absolutely flown past and I’m usually feeling like (to borrow a phrase our pastor has used) I’m drinking from a fire hose and I just want it to slow down!

Nathan is just the absolute highlight of our lives! He is SO funny and getting to be such a character – I just love seeing his personality coming out. He is LOUD too – he squeals and shouts and just generally makes noise most of the time he’s awake. And he can now roll over from his stomach to his back! He’s growing up WAY too fast!

He’s a busy boy – he is constantly moving and getting him to take a decent nap (as in more than 15 minutes) is usually pretty hard. He’s been in a bassinet in our room since he was born, so he now doesn’t like his crib (oh boy). The only place I can get him to sleep for more than a few minutes during the day is in his swing. He did sleep unswaddled in his crib the other day and I managed to get a quick picture of it. 🙂

But the not sleeping is only during the day! At night, he is the BEST sleeper! He goes down every night right around 9:30 and usually sleeps great until about six. Then he’ll nurse and go right back down until usually around nine. I love that! He is developing a bad habit of wanting to sleep in the bed with me after Jon leaves (my bad), but even that isn’t TOO terrible. 🙂

He has definite favorites with his toys (shout out to Dylan the Duck!) and we are never out of arm’s reach of a burp cloth. This kid spits up more than I’ve ever seen – and sometimes more than it seems like he’s eaten in the last several nursings. 😛 Pretty nasty! I told Jon that Nathan is going to start thinking his burp cloth is supposed to be his favorite blanket, because we always have one with us!

Nathan has become a definite Mama’s Boy – rarely, rarely will he go to anyone else and even then, it only lasts for about ten minutes before he’s crying for me. And most of the time he’s good with Jon – but he does have his moments even with him. I’m sure it’s because I’m with him 97% of the time. We’re trying to get better at this though. My parents came over last night and watched him while Jon and I got a much needed date night. And I think he did pretty well! 🙂

We went to the Balloon Fiesta with my mom and sister last week and had such a great time! We did not, however, like our alarms that went off at 4AM that day so we could get to the park.

Before we left. Can we tell I’m not a morning person?

The O’Brien Boys in front of the shamrock
So cute!
The five of us – Nathan did so good in the Moby Wrap!

Rocking the stocking cap with Gammy

I got this video of him yesterday morning. He was being SO funny! He just makes me laugh! Sorry again for the poor video quality – I really need to get better at filming things without moving the camera everywhere!

We just love our little Nater Tot!


6 thoughts on “Three Months Old!

  1. So sweet!

    And I can so relate to the spitting up thing. Of my 4, one spit up constantly [MIL would say 'this burp cloth is soaked' and I'd think 'Um, that's only half used'] and another had severe GERD [like really really bad reflux/spit up – like really bad].

    Are you swaddling him for naptime? That was the only thing that worked for my kiddos :).

    I got Latte Daze in the mail the other day and can't wait to read it! Will you let us know who were the first 50 to email you the other day?

  2. What a cutie! I love his sleeping position minus the burrito-wrap/straight-jacket 🙂

    Love ya!

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