Oh my… I feel like the days are just FLYING past! How is it already October? How is it almost NOVEMBER?
All that being said, now I can catch you up on my last week. About two weeks ago, Jon and I were driving and we passed the cutest little pumpkin patch ever. So, last weekend we got Nathan all dressed up and cute and went back to take some pictures.

Cue the need for Kleenex. People were right – it goes by WAY TOO FAST on this side of it!
(And might I just say – $2.80 for a pair of sweatpants? Score!)
(Oh and another off-the-topic thought – even though I’m not super certain what the topic is right now anyway – I went and got a few tunic-style sweaters and a couple of leggings. And you guys are right – it is SO comfy! And pretty much I think it would be flattering on almost anyone!)
When we were pregnant, I was that lady who said things like this, “We probably don’t even need a bassinet in our room. I guess we can, just for a week or so.” So last night, I decided, after much urging from Jon, that it was finally time to move Nathan to his crib.
He’s three and a half months old.
I think God created motherhood to cause women to 1) respect their own mothers more and 2) cultivate humility. I’ve had to eat hundreds of words over the last three and a half months. Words like, “Boppy pillows are the dumbest things.” The Boppy has saved my arms and my couch cushions.
Anyway. So, he slept in his crib last night and did really well! He did a lot better than I did, actually, because I kept waking up and straining to hear something over the monitor before finally getting up and going in his room to check on him. And when I wasn’t waking up out of worry, I kept getting woken up by the monitor, which decided for no reason at all to just randomly burst into spontaneous beeping.
Rather annoying.
We’ve been trying this new thing for naps because, as y’all know, my boy doesn’t nap. I was talking to the women in my Bible study about this and they recommended to try the cry it out method which KILLS me. I hate, hate, hate hearing him cry! Yesterday, we were pretty much both in tears trying to get a nap time longer than fifteen minutes in. But I know a long nap is the best thing for him and for my sanity as well! Plus, he was actually pleasant to be around last night after he finally napped – no horrendous meltdown at eight o’clock and even went to bed peacefully! 🙂 So hopefully he’ll get the hang of nap time soon!
Here’s some FUN NEWS – Cool Beans is being offered FREE on Kindle for one week only – starting October 29th and ending on November 4th. So, if you’ve got a Kindle, iPhone, etc, head on over to Amazon next week and download it! 🙂
Lastly, I have the greatest dessert that I decided needs to be shared with the masses. I really believe that I’m just a happier person all around when I have a dessert a day, be it cookies, brownies, whatever. I used to say milkshakes and ice cream, but I’m on a no-dairy diet thanks to some issues Nathan was having with it (sadness!).
But this dessert… oh. my. goodness.
It’s SO easy! Jon and I have made this multiple times after the Nater Tot is in bed because it is that quick. I found a recipe for it online, but we’ve been experimenting and made something that I think is even better. And the title we’ve given it just shows you the level of wordsmithery we’ve got over here.
That Apple Thing
1 can of Pillsbury Crescent Roll Creations (this is just a can of crescent rolls, but they aren’t perforated. Makes it a lot easier)
1 Granny Smith apple
3 heaping tbsp butter (or fake butter, should you be like me and not allowed to eat dairy currently)
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg
1 tbsp sugar mixed with 1 tsp. cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Chop the apple finely and dump it, the butter, brown sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon into a saucepan. Mix together on medium-high heat until apple is softened.
Roll out the crescent rolls sheet (if you’re using just regular crescents, just mash the perforations together). Spread the apple mixture on it almost up to all the edges. Then quickly roll up from the short side, pinching all of the edges together so you’ve got a little log of deliciousness.
Brush the top and sides with a little of the egg and then sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mix over the top. Bake for about 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
And ta-da! It’s AMAZING. Jon even loves it cold the next day. I think it’s probably the most perfect fall dessert! I love this time of year! Time for soups, stews, crock-pots, hot desserts…
But now I’m curious – what are your favorite fall recipes?
He's getting so BIG! Oh, my gosh! I can't believe he's 3.5 months old already!!
My favorite fall recipe is not a dessert, but here it is anyway:
Green Bean Bundles
Green Beans
Brown Sugar
Clean Green Beans
Get 7 or 8 and wrap a piece of bacon around them
Sprinkle with brown sugar (or douse)
Bake until cooked through.
These are amazing.
He is such a cutie pie! I just downloaded a Kindle app in anticipation of getting one for Christmas. I decided last summer that lugging 6 books in a backpack through airports for a one week trip is getting to be too much for me (it also must be kept in mind that 6 books is not superfluous–I read them all by the time I get home). So next summer, it'll be one paperback plus my Kindle.
As far as favorite fall recipes goes, I love apple crisp, homemade apple sauce and hot spiced cider.
That sounds delicious! I love making ginger cookies. Yummy fall flavor and so soft! Perfect with a big mug of coffee (or any other hot drink really)!
Adorable pictures. That Nathan is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen.
So cool about Cool Beans on Kindle! I have a hard copy but it's nice to have the option when you travel. I don't have a Kindle device yet (I want one), but I do use it occasionally on my iPhone and computer.
He is so adorable! I am so excited to read Double Shot. I am waiting for my copy to come in the mail. So exciting!
and just know you are not alone! i have had to eat my words so many times since having my kids (4 years ago). now you see toddlers and will say "my son will never behave like that" or "i will never do this" but i have found that its best not to say anything because i have ended up doing and saying all the things i said i wouldn't…i guess its the learning process of being a parent. you learn as you go.
I have a random can of crescent rolls in the fridge so I am definitely going to try that out! One of our favorite fall dinner recipies is Apple Cider Chicken
Okay, he is totally cuteness overload. Yay for pumpkin patch pics! I hope he gets to napping better. We did CIO, but we only had to do it for two days before little man got it, and he's slept great ever since. It's worth it! I don't think I can choose a single favorite fall recipe. I really love soups and stews and anything with pumpkin though. Mmmmm!
I love the pumpkin patch pictures! So cute! 🙂
My favorite fall food has to be the apple crumb pie that I make. I also love pumpkin pie, pumpkin bars, apple cider, and hot chocolate!
I just got Double Shot in the mail!!! I am so excited!!! To bad my brother stole it and will not give it back until my homework is done.
I love coming to your blog and seeing pics of you and your family – and omigosh Nathan is ADORABLE. My son looked very similar 11 years ago….(gasp…..I hate how fast it goes!). But, really every step of the way has been delightful, so don't dread it too much….the joy is definitely the journey.
I love all things fall – that recipe sounds amazing….love apple pies, chili, molasses cookies, apple brie toasts (so yummy).
Enjoy it all! Thanks for sharing your coziness with us.
can't wait to try the recipe
my favorite cookies are molasses-butterscotch-pecan cookies… they're SSOOOOO good!!!! 🙂
3 things:
1. You, Nathan, and Jon are ADORABLE! Love seeing the changes.
2. Just finished Double Shot. As usual it is great! I am greedy, beccause now I want the next book you write.
3. Could you look at the link on the blog about "subscribe to newsletter" the button and writing are off, so can't get them, and also causes lot of blank space on top of newest blog entry.
Take care, and thanks for everything!
Got my copy of Double Shot today! I'm soooo looking forward to reading it and just enjoying it. =)
I am SO glad I'm not the only one who ended up being a completely different kind of mom than anticipated. I thought bassinets were ridiculous, but my in-laws gave us one so I'm like, fine. We'll use it to start with….
Um, yeah. My son is over 4 months old now and I'm still trying to convince myself that I CAN let him sleep in his own room…but it's across the house and even though we have a baby monitor.
Yeah, I'm just ridiculous. But it's nice to know I'm not the only one who's had to eat my words. =) Thanks for making me feel less weird.