This is my friend Kaitlin and her husband, Eitan. I just love these two! They live in Israel and they came in town to visit for a little while. Last week, Eitan flew back home and Kaitlin stayed at my parents’ house, so Jon, Nathan and I packed up everything we own (no joke) and headed over to Mom and Dad’s for a few days.
It was SO fun! I think Nathan is very glad to be back home (someone was a major cranky pants for a period of everyday. 🙁 I think he’s becoming a homebody), but we all had a fabulous time hanging out. Kaitlin is my Pride and Prejudice buddy, so of course we had to get it in this trip. I love our P&P nights! We’ve done these since I was in high school. We get a bag of candy (preferably Milky Ways), Starbucks and a bunch of cozy blankets and hibernate in my parents’ basement for five hours with Mr. Darcy. 🙂 Jon was a SUPER sweet husband and took Nathan for most of it – which was wonderful because then Kaitlin and I got a chance to chat just the two of us. 🙂
We got back home on Tuesday after a teary goodbye that morning. 🙁 I spent the rest of the day doing laundry (oh joyousness!). And then yesterday it POURED rain like I haven’t seen here in a long time! I had a doctor’s appointment and needed to make a Wal-Mart trip, so Nathan and I decided to brave the weather. My first time trying to get Nathan in and out of the car in the rain – and I can say this, I’m glad I don’t have to do that frequently!
I had him in the cutest outfit yesterday, so of course I had to do a little mini photo shoot! 🙂 We’re getting our real family pictures done next week, so this was kind of a warm up for the Nater Tot.
I can’t believe how big he’s getting!
Isn’t he just a little man now?
I think this is when he realized it was starting to rain. 🙂
I love, love, LOVE my life! I wish I could find that pause button and keep everything as it is right now!
Seriously Erynn, he is one of the cutest babies ever (I can't say THE cutest because of my own little man, but Nate is definitely up there. :p) Glad you survived getting out in the rain. That's always fun! Can't wait to see the family pics! I bet they'll be adorable. 🙂
Oh, I am so loving these pics! He reminds me so much of my son, but I don't think he was ever that little….but he had some of the same expressions. SIGH……I'm so glad you are LOVING being a mom and am so happy for you!!!!!
Aw, he's super cute! And that's good you were able to catch up with Kaitlin! Conversations with your girlfriends are the best :]
Aww!! Too cute! I'm in love with babies. I just became an aunt. My older brother and his wife just had their first baby a week and half ago. We're all in love! I actually blogged about my new niece. 🙂
Oh my goodness! He's grown just since we were there!!!! Oh, I miss him. When's our next get-together? Finished the book by the way, (thank you!) and it was great. They are soooo much fun to read! Keep 'em comin!
So sweet Erynn… your blog never fails to make me smile. Sort of like your books. 😉 Praying for more days that are blessed and content. God bless you and your precious family!