Circumstantial Evidence

A HUGE thank you to everyone who offered their advice and prayers for me about the mastitis! I talked to my doctor at my six-week checkup and he put me on yet another round of antibiotics just to make sure we definitely get the infection cleared up. I also bought some new undergarments 😉 and I’ve been taking lecithin and vitamin C. So far, everything seems to be working much better!

I’ve been thinking a lot (there’s not much else to do while nursing in the middle of the night unless you’re into watching infomercials…I’ve almost bought bareMinerals three times now) about how much fun God has to have orchestrating everything in our lives. And how we’re not even really aware of it until we look back and notice it.

Like how Jon decided to go to school here because of the football scholarship but got so homesick the first year he almost transferred back to California. His parents talked him into finishing it out here and we met his junior year. 🙂

Or how an ad for the Christian Writers Guild in a magazine I read got me thinking about trying to write full-time instead of just as a hobby. I took their courses, went to their conferences and Miss Match was signed a few years later.

And especially the circumstances around Nathan’s birth. When we went in for my last prenatal visit at 40 weeks and Dr. Gordon first started talking about inducing us, we tried to schedule the induction for the following Friday. It ended up because of scheduling that the only day that worked was Tuesday, July 13, which was only four days past due for me. Since I didn’t know I was in labor until we got there and the cord was wrapped around Nathan’s neck, I’m SO thankful that we ended up going in earlier as opposed to later!

I love hearing stories like this! Totally everyday, normal stuff when you are in the middle of it, but then it ends up changing your life. 🙂 What are some of the ways God has done this for you?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take advantage of this special one-time offer for the ab workout machine that not only tones your midsection, thighs, glutes, hamstrings and ankles, but it also has a cup holder, toaster oven and a magazine rack. 😉


11 thoughts on “Circumstantial Evidence

  1. if I hadn't gotten sick last year and been in the hospital and lost my job i wouldn't be at the job i am now and met my future ryan 🙂 <3

  2. My roommate in college had a friend on the floor below us from Memphis, TN. She offered to show a friend from her high school youth group around when he came up for a campus visit and asked my roommate to go along with her. My roommate had plans so she asked me and that night I met the man I have now been married to for almost 7 years! Our friendship, long-distance relationship, marriage and family life have been filled with moments just like that! It's awesome to see God's guiding hand in your life!

  3. Erynn, Thank you for allowing so many the privilege to be a part of your life. Family is so so important. As for your question,it would take forever to name out all the ways that God has intervened and moved in my life. From literally saving it twice, giving me my precious children (that I should have never been able to have), to providing for our family over and over again. God is so beyond good. It never ceases to amaze me when I hear about how He works on our behalf. How do we forget so easily? I am grateful for every moment and every single significant and seemingly smaller in significant things He has done. You have been a continued blessing to my girls and I by sharing your gift of writing and humor. It has brought on great discussion and giggles into our "girl" moments. My youngest daughter swears that your characters are written after her. 🙂 God bless you Erynn in all that you do. Both as a wife and mom.
    P.S. Your son in beautiful by the way. It is beyond fun to "see" another part of you. God Bless!

  4. Hi Erynn!
    I am not a regular follower of your blog, but I jump on here for a quick read when I can.
    First, congratulations on your baby boy! 🙂
    and second, I recently bought your newest book, Cool Beans, and absolutely LOVED it!
    Loved the characters, the story line, everything! I hope you write another caffeine-obsessed book soon 🙂

  5. The Nathan pictures are hilarious, the smirks are priceless!:) No tv when I was nursing last year, out of desperation I became a champion one handed reader-got lots of reading done (which was a wonderful distraction from the owey-ness). Anyway, my gpa got brain cancer 8 years ago, so I 'cancelled' my plans to go overseas with my nursing degree, signed a contract to stay at a local hospital, despite being offered a stint in South Africa a week later. Ended up meeting my husband at work, have had 6 glorious years together and have an 18 month old now–that's my favorite God story!!

  6. bareminerals works so good! plus im lazy and devote about 2 and a half seconds to makeup time in the morning…
    anyway.. nathan looks so healthy!
    is that red hair???

  7. As you know, the way we met was a divine appointment. LOL! From my marriage to my current ministry, God has orchestrated me right out of my comfort zone, holding me in the safety of His loving hands. I am so grateful to be reminded that His plan is perfect, even when it doesn't make sense to us "in the moment." I look forward to seeing what He has in store for us as we seek Him and follow Him in obedience and faith. One look at that beautiful baby of yours reminds me that God is GOOD and so in control! AMEN! : )

  8. Just wanted to let you know that I started Miss Match last night! I'm hooked! And it's inspired to start working on the novel i'm writing again 🙂 going to go read some more right now!

  9. Meeting you. If my brother didn't marry Brittany (Warwick), then I would've never met Ben and Jessie then I would have never met you and Jon then I would have never documented your engagement or wedding or Kody, or family….. EVERYTHING happens for a reason! :o)

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