1 Month, 24 Years and Loaded Baked Potatoes Eaten On The Run

That last one is what my lunch was like. Because, at this very minute, Nathan is sleeping in his little swing (side note to parents-to-be out there: Buy a baby swing! It’s one of the best investments we bought!), and I can type with both hands. So, I’m going to try and quickly catch up on some of the things that have happened.

Nathan turned one month old on the 13th – where did that month go??!! I cannot believe our little man is so big already! He’s starting to get really interactive – talking, squealing, cooing and reacting to us and what we do. I love it!

He’s also started holding his head up by himself – the only time we really have to support him now is when he’s really tired. He’s also outgrown most of his newborn clothes (very sad face here!) and he’s now wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. Also, he’s got a bad case of baby acne. Tell you what – life is hard when you are spitting up, pooping out your diaper and dealing with pimples! I need to remember this next time I’m frustrated with just one whitehead on my face. 😉

Today is my brother’s 24th birthday, but we celebrated it last week because on Sunday he moved to Austin for grad school. We are all very sad and teary here. It’s only for a year and I have to keep reminding myself of that. Still. I spent a good portion of Saturday crying because we usually see him at least once a week and it will be sad not to. He’s having fun though – right now he’s in San Antonio with my great aunt and uncle at their lake house and probably by this point he’s racing around the lake on one of their Sea-Doos.

He’s just suffering right now. 😛 He had been something of a baby hog the last few weeks leading up to leaving – I looked through the pictures we took recently and most of them had Bryant carrying Nathan in them.

Jon is officially back at work teaching which means I’ve spent the last week at home with Nathan by myself. And good news! We are both still alive and relatively sane, so I think I’ve been successful so far! My mom came and watched him for an hour yesterday so I could go to the grocery store without the production of taking him and it was so weird being away! It was the first time I’ve ever left him. Weird…

Could you please be praying for me? Not to get too TMI here, but I’m on my second case of mastitis and things are just rather painful still in the whole nursing area. I’m on antibiotics again and they seem to be working, so I’m holding out hope that this time it won’t come back! Nathan is growing and gaining weight, so I’m not too concerned about him but it would be nice to not dread feeding him sometimes. 🙁

And we also had our first REAL meltdown in public, Wal-Mart to be exact. And it was Nathan’s, not mine (although, I was pretty close too!). We were waiting for my antibiotic prescription to be filled and he screamed – and I mean screamed – the whole time we waited. Those poor pharmacists were running like gold medalists trying to get my medicine finished. Every single person who was in that quadrant of the store was looking at me and saying super helpful things like, “Aw, wa ood eh ee?” which was probably, “Aw, how old is he?”, but I’ll never know because he was crying so loud right in my ear.

It just saddens me that Wal-Mart – the place I visited on a near-daily basis when I was pregnant with him – was where he decided to test his lung power. You’d think he’d be used to the soothing voice of the Wal-Mart intercom lady. But no. I’ve never been looked at by so many strangers in my life. I used to be that person who could quietly slip in and out of stores without anyone but the cashier knowing I was there. Those days are apparently over. Nathan is a boy who likes attention.


I hope you guys are having a good day! To those of you who are headed back to school – have an amazing first semester! I have a feeling it’s going to be a great one! 🙂


8 thoughts on “1 Month, 24 Years and Loaded Baked Potatoes Eaten On The Run

  1. Nathan is adorable! I have some ideas about the mastitis, but I believe I'll attempt to email you rather than post TMI here. ;D

  2. He is really growing!! Such a cutie! You're second case of mastitis…you poor girl! I had mastitis on my very first Mother's Day, and it was the day my baby boy was being dedicated at church. I stood up on stage with him in front of the congregation with a 103 degree fever. It stinks! I hope it clears up very soon. Hang in there!

  3. Oh I am so sorry! My sister had mastitis with her first daughter on her baby shower (she had one after the baby was born). She too dreaded nursing because it hurt so bad, but good news she just had her second baby and it is going so much better this time! So hang in there and I will be praying it gets easier for you!

  4. Aw, poor Mama! Having a newborn is definitely an adjustment, but I think you're doing great! Big hugs to you, Erynn.

    OUCH! on the mastitis. I had it so bad they had to do surgery. They cut me in two places to drain it as quickly as possible. And they said that if I'd come in a day later, I could have lost my breast. I was living in Germany at the time, didn't speak the language, and had to be hospitalized an hour away from home for two and a half weeks WITHOUT my newborn (first born) baby. AND I had a male nurse who changed my bandages. It was the definitely the worst time in my entire life. Mastitis is definitely scary, and I feel for you and will be praying for you. Do whatever they tell you to do for it, take your meds, try breastfeeding in a warm bath, I think there's also a tea you can drink. Raspberry leaf tea? Or is that for contractions? I know some people told me to refridgerate lettuce leaves and then tuck them into my nursing bra. :o) Seriously, do what you have to do to feel better.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to update us when you can. I enjoy hearing how you and your little family are doing. How's Kody adjusting?

    Are you finding any time at all to write?

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… I feel so sorry for you. 🙁 [tear]… But Nathan's worth it:) Yeah, how IS Kody? Does he like his little brother? Poor doggie…but he's just as cute as Nathan:)

    Keep doin' what you do, 'cause it's great!!!!

  6. Erynn~still praying for you all. I understand the mastitis deal too. Mine didn't hit 'til my little guy was 6 months. Had serious trauma like the other lady mentioned (needles shouldn't approach such areas!!!). Nonetheless, after 4 more episodes, we all survived. Tho, I did have to switch to pumping-but he still got my milk, just thru an alternate route. Happy stuff!!

  7. Oh, I so relate to the mastitis thing too. When I first had it, I didn't even realize that the 104 temps had to do with my breasts hurting so bad, because it was just about a month into breastfeeding and they hurt 24-7 – I didn't know they weren't supposed to hurt that bad! The antibiotics definitely helped – as they did the next three times I got it. I did the pumping thing quite a bit as well, just because it hurt so much to feed him directly. My biggest advice would be to do what YOU feel you need to do, instead of worrying what anyone else might suggest is "right" or "wrong" (i.e. – "if you don't breastfeed, you are a terrible mom") In the big picture, if Nathan gets your milk, but it comes from a bottle while he's being cuddled by you (and you aren't in pain!) – it might just be A-OK in the big picture of life!!! =)

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