Isn’t that just craziness?? 🙂
And I’m going to start this post with a disclaimer – a lot of what is below is just me being nearly 39 weeks and needing to vent a little bit. I’m hoping the venting will take care of things that seem to be inflating – like my ankles, for instance.
We’ve got our next appointment on Thursday. And a few things have changed – for example, up until this week I hadn’t really had swollen ankles or anything, but now my ankles and hands are pretty much constantly swollen and my wedding rings no longer fit. The swelling seems to get worse at night. Also, I’ve been having off and on Braxton Hicks contractions which are just incredibly fun times. I’m always thinking, “Maybe this is it!” But it isn’t as of yet.
Last night, both Jon and I were both thinking maybe it was it. I woke up about one in the morning with super bad heartburn and some painful cramping. It kept me up until about six. Jon, thankfully, went back to sleep since he had to teach at summer school today. And I, thankfully, didn’t have anywhere I needed to be today, so I slept in until noon.
So it seems that Baby N is perfectly content to just stay in there. I’m SO hoping that we’ll get to hear something positive about dilating at our appointment on Thursday! I’ve been trying to tell Baby N that his happy little existence in his private bounce house is only temporary and he would much rather be out here where he can completely stretch out, but he doesn’t seem to care.
But. Enough with the pregnancy complaints. 🙂 Apparently, I’ve been more of a grumpus lately. We helped some friends – Blake and Shannon – move on Monday. I’d seen Blake the previous Monday at one of Jon’s softball games.
He came over and I asked him how he was doing and this is what he said: “Well. I’m fine. I’m just hot. And tired.”
So I snapped, “Well, why don’t you try incubating a human heater in triple digit heat and see how you’re doing then?”
I guess he went home and told Shannon it was the first time he’d ever seen me grouchy. Which just goes to show that we probably need to hang out more because I’m definitely not all happy and carefree all the day long, all of the time. Still. Poor Blake. I’m blaming the off-with-his-head remark on the pregnancy hormones, but deep down I know I was just being a Mrs. Grumpy Pants, like our friend Laura would call me.
Yesterday, though, was fun! I spent a good part of the afternoon having coffee with some of my sweetest friends who helped put my “woe is me, this child is going to come out needing braces” thoughts to rest. 🙂 It really is amazing how friends and some iced mango tea can help solve some of those issues. That and realizing that despite how loooong the days are right now, I’m still not to my due date and so I don’t have much room to complain. (Especially compared to one of the ladies in my community group who was 2.5 weeks late with one of her kids – OY.)
So. We are just here waiting. Waiting and praying and walking. I know in my head that God has already planned Baby N’s birthday and it’s going to be exactly the right time – it’s just convincing my emotions and ankles of that…
Here’s praying that we all have a good night’s sleep!
Looking forward to hearing the good news!
I'm so sorry – my son (first child) was 11 days late – I had to be induced with both of my kiddos- apparently, my body saw no reason to kick into action on it's own, even though my son was nearing on 10 pounds. The good thing, though (which I'm sure you've heard from anyone trying to cheer you up) – is that the longer you care for them inside, generally the less "fragile" they are outside – my son was SOLID! =) And, he ate and grew like a tank in that first year. It was super reassuring as a new mom to have him be so sturdy (for lack of a better word).
So, hang in there – I vividly remember that March 25th due date. I had made it to my "official maternity leave" (from teaching middle school) when spring break started – and was still carrying "Brayden" when spring break ended, and then Easter….I thought we'd never get to meet him. In hindsight, though, well worth those extra days of wait!
I was just thinking of you yesterday, wondering how you are. Remember, NO ONE stays pregnant forever, even when you think you will. You're going to be holding Baby N so soon and you won't be able to imagine life without him.
I can't believe Baby N is almost here! I know the end of pregnancy stinks. I had a c-section at 39 weeks for medical issues, and even though I had a set date for arrival, it still was so hard. Praying for a smooth labor and delivery for you, and hopefully it will be soon!
Its hard to be late but God knows when he is coming. Being swolled stinks. I was so swollen that I had the worst pitting edema I have ever seen and it was from 4 months pregnant on. I could barely walk at times. Ill be praying for you. Hope he comes soon but if you are pregnant on your due date then your hubby needs to get you flowers.
I am still rooting for July 4th, so the cousins can be exactly 6 months apart. =) But either way, whatever day he comes, will be PERFECT!! Can't believe it's almost here!! SO EXCITED!!!
~ Jen
I Sooo know how you're feeling Erynn!
The last few weeks are the worst, waiting and wondering when that baby will finally make his appearance.
Praying for you as you await your precious baby's arrival. I'm so excited for you 🙂
In my family my older sister was born on time, my older brother was born two weeks early and I was two weeks late. I like to think we balanced each other out. :D. Congrats on the pregnancy