Glucose Test

I was actually wondering how many people would catch on to the same style girls trip happening in the Lauren Holbrook series! 🙂 Ha! This wasn’t our first trip to Phoenix – when I was in high school, my dad and brothers (and sometimes my sister) would all go to the Spring Training baseball games and Mom, Cayce (when she wasn’t at the games) and I would all go shopping, eat at Paradise Bakery and then meet up with the boys for the Cheesecake Factory.

I’ve always had SO much fun in Phoenix!

Yesterday, I had to do my glucose test. Basically, you have to go drink this huge bottle of stuff that tastes like a flat orange soda only sugarier, wait there an hour and then get your blood drawn. It’s to check and see if you have gestational diabetes.

I think we all know how I feel about needles at this point. So, I got to the lab yesterday, sat in the waiting room and in the back I can hear this:

“No….No….NO NO NO!!! AUGH!!!” This was followed by extremely loud screaming and crying.

It sounded very similar to that scene in Gone With the Wind where they are amputating the guy’s leg without any pain medication except for the whole creepy shadow thing going on.

So, I sat there, clutching my magazine that I’d brought and tried to not listen to the torturing going on in the back room. It ended up being a little kid that I don’t think had ever had his blood drawn before, but goodness. He came out all teary-eyed and red-faced and his poor mom was just frazzled.

I kind of felt like I was beholding my future if this baby inherits my ickiness for needles.

Last night, Jon and I ordered the dresser/changing table for our little guy’s room! I am so excited for it to get here! We already have the crib, so I think once we get the dresser, we’ll be set as far as furniture in his bedroom goes.

I woke up this morning to some fun news – Miss Match was downloaded over 25,000 times during the free Kindle week! WOW. That is so incredible! I’m just praying that each of those people will be drawn closer to God through reading it. So amazing!

I hope you guys are having a great Tuesday! Any big plans for you coming up this week? And moms out there – what is the one baby registry item you couldn’t live without? 🙂

Have a fantastic day!


8 thoughts on “Glucose Test

  1. Hi Erynn!
    Im so excited for you and youre blessed pregnancy. I pray you find joy in all that comes with motherhood. =)

    I would NEVER be without my boppy pillow! It was GREAT for nursing/feeding and for the baby to lay on so you can see him/her. BEST THING EVER! =D
    amanda dot werling at gmail dot com

  2. Our bouncy seat was a lifesaver. Jonah hated the swing and didn't want to nap or be put down unless it was in the bouncy seat. Also, SWADDLERS! I think they're made by Halo (they have them at Babies R Us) and they velcro. Those were sooooo awesome. 🙂

    As far as our week, Jonah's dealing with his second bout of pneumonia, and it stinks. 🙁 Hope your week is great!

  3. Diapers(any size), and a breast pump. Must have for the day 3 let down. I didn't realize the value of a pump until I didn't have access to one…Joel went to Walmart at 9:30pm to find something to give relief.

  4. Hi! I really enjoy reading your sweet and funny blog posts but am having trouble viewing and therefore subscribing to your monthly newsletter. Could you please add me to your list?

    biblioprincess15 at yahoo dot com

  5. Let me know if you passed your test. I am sure you did though. 😉 That was not a fun test day for me either though….. I HATE needles.

    I'd respond about what baby thing I couldn't live without, but you were already given my huge list. 😉

    Love you!! Have a great day!!

    ~ Jen

  6. Hi Erynn,

    I know this has nothing to do with what you just posted, but I was just curious – did you go to a college? If so, what did you major in?

    I want to be an author but I'm not sure if I should go to college, and if I should then what I would major in. I would love to be part of a youth drama ministry also.

  7. I downloaded Miss Match and loved it, so I bought the next 2 books this week too! They are great books, and I look forward to reading your next series as well. BTW, your baby bump is adorable!

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