25 weeks last Friday! So, really, this should be my 25 1/2 weeks post. I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are flying past! I had just worked out when I took this picture yesterday – so please pardon the sweats and the flushed cheeks!
A few changes – I have been feeling our little guy a LOT. He loves to kick his mother after breakfast, lunch and dinner and any time I sit down in between those. Let’s hope this isn’t an activity he’ll continue to do after birth! It’s such an amazing thing to watch my stomach contort around while he’s busy doing who-knows-what in there! Amazing and very weird. You can see where the inspiration for a few alien flicks came from.
It’s getting hard to bend over and pick up things. I now do the squat-then-bend technique. It’s particularly painful when I try to bend over like the pre-pregnancy days and I get a nice swift kick in the gut for my efforts. 🙂 Last night, Jon was giving me a hug around dinnertime and he felt the baby kick him through me. He is a strong little guy! I think we’re having a punter.
Also, thank you all SO much for your prayers when I was sick! The tonsillitis is all cleared up and aside from a few issues with my seasonal allergies (I love spring. NOT. Pardon my 90’s moment), I’ve been feeling MUCH better. I called my doctor last week and he put me on Claritin, so I’m hoping that will make a huge difference! It’s been nice to be able to breathe through my nose again, though I’m not loving the medicine fog. Hopefully I’ll get the dosage worked out so I’m breathing and have a personality.
This weekend is going to be so much fun, because not only is my little brother Caleb getting baptized on Easter, but Jon is off for Good Friday AND our great friends from Colorado Springs are driving down with their adorable son (whom I still haven’t had the chance to meet yet). I cannot wait!! I plan on taking TONS of pictures this weekend, so prepare yourself for a regular onslaught come Monday’s post. 🙂
I’m sitting here right now debating the pros and cons of working out today. On the pros, except for yesterday I haven’t worked out all last week because I was sick. So I’m in fairly desperate need of a workout. The cons? I’m rather comfortable right now, I bought jelly beans this afternoon and I might or might not be snacking on them right now. Actually, the jelly beans point should maybe go in the pros list. And these are the good jelly beans – Jelly Bellys! I’m going to shock you all and declare that my favorite flavor is the Cappucino. What’s yours?
Two days until the official release of Cool Beans! Woo hoo! 🙂
Have a fabulous Tuesday!