If by any chance there is a nurse reading this blog who had to, along with three of her fellow nurses, hold down a 5-year-old blond girl during a round of shots about 20 years ago, I’m really, really sorry. And Mom, I’m also going to apologize to you – I’m sure that you got many a dirty look thanks to me.
Sorry about that.
I’m still not too fond of needles.
But, I made it through getting my blood drawn with minimal screaming. 🙂 Actually, no screaming and the sting wasn’t too bad either. I want the lady who drew my blood Friday to do it every time I need it done now. She was awesome. Quick, fairly painless and I was on my way with a purple stretchy bandage thing wrapped around my elbow.
We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat again and we’ve got a nice strong one on our hands. And, this baby has officially popped – I’m most definitely showing now! I had big plans to take the 16-week picture about six times this weekend, but every time my makeup was on and hair was decent, I wasn’t around a camera. So, you get this picture:
This is me – sweatpants and all. And this is a pre-pregnancy shirt, as you can tell. It’s getting to be a bit small. And no, I didn’t get my face in there and that’s on purpose. 🙂
When did you moms first feel your baby move?
We get to find out whether we’re having a boy or a girl on February 15th and I’m SO excited I can hardly stand it! Jon and I have been talking about this for weeks and it’s only three weeks away. Yay! 🙂 We already know exactly how we’re going to tell our families, so I’ll have to come up with some cute way of letting all of you know on here as well. 🙂 And we have a few names picked out, but nothing set in stone, so I’m going to keep them quiet until we know for sure! It’s seems like such a huge responsibility to name this baby! But, God already knows exactly how many hairs will be on this baby’s head (I might know the answer to that one too – zero), and He also knows what his/her name will be. 🙂 That’s a comforting thought!
Have you guys seen previews for When In Rome? I think that looks so cute! I really want to go see that (plus, you really can’t beat movie theater popcorn!).
I’m getting my hair cut next week (thank goodness!) and it’s been a long time coming. I’m thinking I might go back to somewhere around shoulder-length. 🙂 It’s just SO much easier than having long, straggly hair like my is right now. We’ll see though! I always get to my hairdresser’s and chicken out right at the last minute.
I hope you all have a fantastic Monday! 🙂
Ha! I remember that day so well – as do those nurses, I am sure! And for the record, you were MUCH better Friday. I didn't even have to hold your hand. You're all grown up. 🙂 I love you, Hon! And we'll keep working on those needles because, unfortunately, you have many more in your future…
Good job, Erynn! LOL. You're belly is cute! I'm trying to think when I first felt Jonah move. It was only last year, but it seems like forever ago. I remember that I had my first ultrasound at 16 weeks and he was moving like crazy, but I didn't feel a thing. I think it was around 20 weeks. It sure is a cool thing though!
Hi Erynn,
I just started following your blog because I enjoyed your Lauren Holbrook series and am looking forward to your next one! Anyway, I figured I'd comment–congratulations on your pregnancy. It seems like EVERYONE is pregnant right now! Do you have any "feelings" about whether it'll be a girl or boy?
I'm glad you've "popped" – I always started to feel more pregnant when everyone else could now see there's a baby growing…
Generally speaking, most women feel bub moving around 20weeks. Some earlier, some later. I felt my first at 16weeks, then next 2 at 14, and the 4th I think was 16. Congrats on conquering the needles. I'll try to remember to pray you get that nurse again. Speaking as one who has had to be poked WAY too much, having the right nurse makes all the difference. That and making sure your hydrated. 😉
Hey Erynn~
Enjoying the updates on the small one. Felt my little guy (who's almost a year already, aauugh, time flies) move at 21 weeks. Fun stuff. That would be the ONLY thing I miss of pregnany!!
Erynn, you look adorable. 🙂
Erika P.
Aw, your belly is adorable! And the rest of your outfit is cute, too! But I'm a girl who lives in sweatpants and actually considers them a fashion accessory…so what do I know? Ha!
Your belly (my "niece") is SO CUTE!!! LOVE IT!! LOVE YOU!!
~ Jen
So sweet Erin. Thank you for sharing your new journey with all of us. What a privilege! God bless you, Jon, and your precious little one.
You're so adorable pregnant!! Love the baby bump. I know it probably feels bigger to you than it really is! I remember so well!
I can't wait to read your new series!!!!!
PS – your hair has never once looked scraggly, girl. lol