Time Flies…

…when you are sleeping most of the day. Between that and the not so pleasant mornings lately (I’ll spare you the details), I have been taking every “feeling good” opportunity this week to get in some writing time on my quickly-creeping-up-on-me deadline. So, I’m very sorry for my dreadfully long absence!

I’ve also been trying to finish up my Christmas shopping – one more gift to go and it should be delivered by UPS sometime today. Yay! All I need to do is get that wrapped and I am done! Which is something of a miracle considering I am that person who suddenly realizes she forgot the most important gift and runs out on December 23rd to get it.

My in-laws, Greg and Connie, are coming in town tomorrow night for a quick visit before Christmas. We’re excited to spend the weekend with them! We haven’t seen them since we told them our big news and they have never been to our house when it’s all decked out for Christmas. So, it will be a fun weekend! We have a few things planned, but I imagine we’ll mostly just relax and catch up.

Jon got the Christmas lights up this past weekend and they look just beautiful! We drove around for a little bit last night and looked at some of the lights in our neighborhood – I just love this time of year!

I will be 11 weeks along on Friday – so January 1st will mark the beginning of my second trimester! I can’t wait because I’ve heard that food starts to sound so much better. I’ve never been a picky eater so it has been a little difficult since very little sounds good, and even then it only sounds good for about twenty minutes. But, honestly, these last few weeks have not been horrific and after all the horror stories I’ve heard, I feel like I’ve been blessed with a fairly tame pregnancy. God is very good!

We’ll be spending Christmas with my family this year and it will be so much fun! I can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they see what we got them! And it will also be Jon’s first Christmas with my family so I’m excited for him to experience all of our little traditions. 🙂

What are you guys planning for Christmas? 🙂

6 thoughts on “Time Flies…

  1. We'll be celebrating our first Christmas as a family of three with our nine-month old! I can't wait! And yeah Erynn, the second trimester is so much better!

  2. I have also finished all my Christmas shopping! And all of my presents are wrapped too! It's so nice not to be rushing around the week before Christmas trying to finish up my shopping. I even got my extremely hard to buy for boyfriend's present. 😉
    Have a great Christmas!!

  3. Lots of family time and rushing around to parties and events sounds like my Christmas. I'm learning a few carols on the piano, Mom is making more cookies and sugary treats than you can count, and I've almost memorized Bing Crosby's "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". Hooray! Congratulations on the baby and have a very merry Christmas!

  4. What a precious time for you soaking in your favorite time of year – and having a miraculous life growing inside of you….

    ENJOY! And, Merry Christmas!

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