Our Thanksgiving didn’t turn out how we planned – the week before I caught a really awful cold. And considering my talent of turning every cold into tonsillitis or some kind of infection, and that my immune system was already working overtime, AND the warnings about swine flu on planes, we decided that it would probably be better for us to stay home and not fly out to California to visit Jon’s family. I cried about four times that night (and multiple times this week). We were SO excited to see them. But, this way was probably for the best – I’ve been up coughing every night this week and I would have hated for someone else to catch this. The good news though, is that God is WONDERFUL and it doesn’t look like this is turning into an infection! Which is SO much better for the baby (and how WEIRD is that to say?!).
Today is my favorite person on the planet’s birthday!
I love this guy so much. I’m not exactly sure how to put into words how much! Jon is the most amazing husband I could have ever imagined – I’m so awed that God gave me someone like him. I really don’t deserve him. He’s hilariously funny, incredibly generous and so caring. He handles my emotional ups and downs (especially lately) like a pro and he’s very, very good at cheering me up. We have fun together! He’s the person I’d rather spend time with more than anyone in the world.
And tonight, we have a date. 🙂