And It’s Monday Already?!

Does anyone else feel like we should just now be wrapping up July? I cannot, seriously, cannot believe we’re already halfway through September!

Thank you guys so much for all your sweet comments on my last post – you guys are beyond awesome!! 🙂

So, what did y’all do this weekend? 🙂 I had such a nice, relaxing weekend! Saturday, I slept in, then Jon and I made a breakfast feast of omelets and pancake muffins (compliments of Bakerella’s website!). We chilled with my family, celebrated my brother’s new permanent job at Olive Garden (yay Bryant!) and just goofed around.

Today has been slow. I’ve been going over my editor’s notes on Latte Daze, writing about conflict for Scribble Chicks and snacking on chocolate covered pretzels (which I am now out. I’ll need to go to the store now).

Here’s a verse that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust in your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)

Seeing as how I got labeled “The Loud One” growing up, I’m thinking I might have some work to do here. 🙂 How about you? Any verses popping up in bold font for you lately?

4 thoughts on “And It’s Monday Already?!

  1. Yay for Bryant and yay for chocolate covered pretzels!! =)

    Your nephew is kicking me right now, so I think that means he wants me to tell you he loves and misses his Auntie Erynn!! =)

    ~ Jen

  2. That's funny because I was just reading 1 Timothy 2 and that also deals with quietness of spirit. I use a parallel Bible and I love the word the kjv uses, "sobriety". I've been asking myself all week, "How can I conduct myself with sobriety in this situation?" Then last night Jeremiah 2 had me in tears. It broke my heart to see how much God's people hurt Him. You should read it. It's heartbreaking, but so eye-opening.

  3. No verses, but God is totally trying to make more more humble! We had a long "talk" about it and I was like "ok God i'll be humble and not worried about wordly things" and the next morning EVERYTHING went wrong and I showed up at church a complete wreck (hair still dripping wet, not the best outfit, unmatching shoes, nails in desperate need of attention) and said "ok God I think I get the message now!"

    Can anyone else relate to that?


  4. Jen – aw, tell my little nephew that I love him and can't wait to meet him! 🙂

    Kirstie – Awesome question to ask yourself this week!! I'll be sure to read Jeremiah 2 today. Thanks for the heads up!

    Paris – Ugh. Days like that are horrible! I'm glad you're trying to figure out what you can learn from it though! 🙂

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