One Week!

This week is going to be extremely exciting! Come Friday morning, I will be the proud aunt of both a nephew and a brand-new niece, Lillian May! My sister-in-law is due for a C-Section at the end of this week. Would you please send up a prayer or two for Ashlee and our little Easter Lily? 🙂 Thank you! Jon and I are SO SO SO excited to meet this little girl!

What an amazing day to be born, right? Good Friday. When I was a kid, I always thought it should be called Bad Friday or Awful Friday or something like that since it was the day Christ died. We used to go to a church that would have a very solemn, very quiet Good Friday service. You came in, you sat down, you didn’t visit with other people. You can understand why I would get confused about the name.

The older I get, the more I think that Good Friday isn’t a day of sadness. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us! That’s a cause worth celebrating, not mourning! Christ obeyed the will of His Father. You have been purchased with a price, and not silver or gold, but the blood of the Son of God.

I’m not sure “Good Friday” does it justice.

This Good Friday, lets mourn for the sin that put Him there, but lets also rejoice that He was there! Through His resurrection, He defeated death, but through the cross, He bought our salvation. If you’re looking for True Love, look no further. This Man loved you enough to lay His own life down onto two wooden planks. He loved you enough to stretch His arms out and have spikes driven through His flesh. He loved you enough to be spit at, beaten, mocked and ridiculed. All for you.

Paul says in Galatians: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”

This Easter weekend, I’m praying that I won’t let Christ’s death be for nothing by continually worrying about measuring up. That I’ll confess my sins and then rest in His forgiveness, instead of always beating myself up over my shortcomings. That I’ll focus on forgiving others as I have been forgiven, instead of holding grudges and witholding grace.

Lets do this together, okay? 🙂

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ…” 2 Peter 3:18

5 thoughts on “One Week!

  1. I completely agree, how often we forget this!
    And what do you know, my birthday happens to be on Good Friday as well! My prayers are with your sister-in-law and the baby.

  2. What you said is completely true! You worded it beautifully.

    The header looks great! I’m glad you like it.

    Happy Easter to you and Jon and your whole family. God bless!!

  3. Congrats about your neice! Sadly I can’t say much about prayers but I can at least say congrats! But when I went to temple I can guarantee you guys were in my thoughts!

  4. Thanks for posting this! It’s so good to know that there are other young people out there who aren’t ashamed of or embarrased by their religion. I wish I were surrounded by more people who are willing to openly confess that Jesus is Lord! And I hope everything went smoothly with your niece’s birth 🙂

  5. This is awesome Erynn! I’m referring your blog at my blog, for sure. I’m super excited about this, and love your thoughts about Good Friday 🙂 We actually talked about this at home that week. Congratulations on your niece!

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