I get a lot of email asking me for advice for writers. Which absolutely humbles me because I’m ALWAYS looking up advice for writers! I’m the most distracted, random author there is, I think, so I’m probably the last person you want to take advice from.
I always refer people to The Christian Writers Guild’s site here. If you can afford the correspondence course, you will definitely see a huge improvement! Plus, you can get advice from people much more experienced in this field than me!
Also, one of my online writing buddies, C.J. Darlington (who just got a contract for her first novel – YAY!!), has done nearly 100 interviews of well-known authors asking them for their advice for novelists. You can find her blog here. Be sure to check out the synopsis for her novel – looks like it will be amazing!
My best advice? Stick with it. If God’s given you the desire to write, then by all means, write! Remember that He who began this work in you is faithful to complete it. Which means you’ve got all you need! Read about writing, read people’s advice about writing, and if you’re brave enough, ask your favorite authors about writing. And if you’re REALLY brave you can ask me – I promise I’ll write you back as soon as I can, but you’ve got to promise not to laugh at my scattered ideas!
Our first anniversary is in FIVE days!! I can’t believe it’s been an entire year! 🙂
Alright, so after my first comment, I realized that you had made a post about Cool Beans… lol!
Anyway, congrats on almost one year of marriage! Exciting. =)
And thanks for the writing tips and websites. =)
Thanks for the writing advice! The Christian Writer’s Guild sounds amazing, but I can’t afford it. Well, maybe someday 😉
And sticking with it is what helps me the most. Sometimes I would rather just give up my writing projects when it gets tough, but I always force myself to finish them. And then of course, I’m always happy I completed it, but getting past the laziness is the hardest step for me. LOL.
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! 😉
Thanks so much, Audra! 🙂
And Adrianna, you are very welcome! I know what you mean about forcing yourself to finish – I have this theory that God has given me the desire to write and the distractive personality so I constantly have to be relying on Him to help me through each chapter. Thanks for the congrats! 😉
Not possible!! A whole years hasn’t gone by already?? Wow that is so amazing, Erynn! Congrats!!! 🙂
Thanks for the tips. I hope to become a journalist so I’ve got my work cut out for me!
I have a friend who’s taking the Christian Writers Guild courses and she loves them. Thanks a bunch!! 🙂
I know, it’s crazy, huh?! This year has absolutely flown by!
A journalist would be such a neat job! I hope you achieve that dream!
Thanks for letting me know about your friend. It’s good to hear! 🙂
Happy anniversary! =)
Thank you Audra! 🙂
Thanks for linking to me!